First and foremost - Does anyone remember the Brendon/Spencer fic Hold it Together (with craft paste)? It was by
somewhatdeluded, and the journal's been deleted. I was just wondering if anyone saved it?
Also, can I just take a second to ask why the hell I decided to work at a gift store in the lead up to Christmas? What was I thinking? And because it's summer here, practically everyone else I work with is going away, which means that I'm picking up everyone else's shifts. Seriously, I am not cut out for this. I can barely work the register, and I still can't gift-wrap so it actually looks nice. I struggle! I broke a mug last week, on my second shift! On the bright side, I will actually have money to pay for shipping gifts overseas.
monimo2007 had a meme in which she picked 10 people who made her day on a regular basis, and I figured I'd steal it, since not everyone is having the greatest time as of late. My own little love meme, I guess. But I couldn't pick just 10, so have the 19 people who make my day on a regular basis.
1. All of you. No, seriously. All of you have, at one point or another, made my day, whether with an awesome picspam or your squee or by just generally being your awesome selves.
xenchantedbloom Not only is she one of the sweetest people I've ever met, she is always happy to listen to me ramble - like the hour and a half I spent telling her about German history in preparation for a test - and she has really kickass taste in music. Today is she is making my day by calling me.
thelemic Um, because Chris is awesome? I'm pretty sure I'm going to be over-using that word a bit for this list, but nonetheless. Chris has been awesome since that time when Sam told him to friend me and he did. Also, I firmly believe that everyone needs someone to discuss tentacles with. Regardless of what sort of day I'm having, I can make a bad joke related to tentacles, and Chris will run with it.
analogized and I have the most epic, random conversations, and the same ideas about history slash, toppy!Brendon, and random babies showing up on doorsteps. Also, she always makes me smile. Always.
andcrashrewind - honestly, it's hard to say exactly how Brii always manages to brighten my day, but she always has interesting things to say, whether they're thought-provoking or just sort of random. And so our discussions are always pretty hilarious, like quoting Palahniuk back and forth at each other. (Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.)
saramir - her epic posts are always fun to read, and her level of Panic squee is something I relate to on so many levels. At the moment she's making my days with her poetry, because it's really, really good.
shihadchick is hilarious and super-sweet and really supportive, and she makes my day on a regular basis for just those reasons. It's kind of hard to explain it past that point, really.
emmaheartscake - wow, she is seriously the sweetest person on my flist. And there are a lot of you, but she definitely takes the cake (oh god, ignore that pun) for this one. She's just sweet, you guys, and always puts a huge grin on my face regardless of what she's talking about (or regardless of whether or not she's getting Journey stuck in my head.)
razorxrosary - she's snarky and intelligent and funny, and I've just always found it really easy to get along with her. Plus, you know - comics fan. Always important. Oh, and she writes this really excellent metaphors in her fics! This probably seems less important to some of you, but whatever. I appreciate it.
tardis80 for her artwork, because it's adorable and occasionally hilarious. Also, when she and
summertea have their long rambling chat fic sessions, I am bound to be grinning, because they are always brilliant.
rhombal - because other people being flaily about things they love is always contagious, and Dili can always be counted on to be flailing about empires. ALWAYS. Also, she's just plain nice. I know that seems like a filler word, but if know her, you'll understand.
mintyfiend is always willing to listen, writes great fic, and always makes me remember why I love the boys so much. Plus she's willing to cowrite a Blind Date AU with me, which is kind of amazing, I think.
midnightblue88 is my oldest internet friend. I have known her for...going on four years now, I think. She has helped become a better writer, and there is no one else who can discuss the ethics of fanfiction like she can. Also, she got me into slash! Yes, it was her fault. Totally corrupted me, and I'm thankful for it every day.
mrsquizzical, for her stories about her day - like her kids and their Star Wars references - and for always leaving the nicest comments. I am lucky to have someone so wise on my flist.
penceyprepster because we have the best conversations about everything, and because she is such a lovely, warm, caring person. That is the shortened version, but I could keep rambling forever.
lyo - I think maybe I don't talk enough about how much I love this girl, but it's a pretty boundless love. She writes in this totally amazing way, and even just hearing that she's writing something makes my day better. She is one of the main reasons I have stayed in this fandom for so long.
secrethitmen is my best friend, and the one person I can tell absolutely anything to, without any hesitation. Knowing I have her there makes every day that much better, because no matter what happens, I know I can talk to her about it.
sunktheglow is amazing. She is honest, intelligent, lovely, supportive, hilarious and gorgeous. She has the best fic ideas and is willing to help me through mine, always knows the right thing to say and I am just unbelievably lucky to have her as a friend.
velvet_tuberose - I probably don't talk about my epic love for her as much as I should, really. She is always willing to listen - truly, always - and puts up with all of my ridiculous teen angst. She's incredibly talented and funny, and every morning where I have an e-mail from her in my inbox is automatically a good one. Words can't really express, to be honest.
I'm sorry about some of the stuff that's going at the moment, guys, but I hope the end of your week - and then the weekend itself - are better.