Aug 11, 2008 09:34
So I have a really terrible stomach bug at the moment, and it hit me at about 2:30 last night and so now I'm exhausted and sick. And sort of unimpressed with the world at the moment. Yesterday I was playing soccer and it started out sort of overcast, but by halfway it was actually snowing. I live in Australia. It doesn't snow here! But naturally it decided to whilst I was playing soccer. Anyway. We lost our game - predictably - but I actually scored! That was basically the high point of my day yesterday.
Also, Saturday was my three-year anniversary of living in this country. I'm still unsure of how I feel about that, to be honest with you. It really doesn't feel like three years at all, but I feel so disconnected from Canada that it feels like we've been here forever.
Browsing through overheards is pretty much my only amusement at the moment -
Intercom: Please take a headset before you get on the plane, because they're free now. They're actually free once you get on the plane, but I charge $50 labor for bringing them to you once you're on. So it's in your best interests to take one now. Can you tell I'm a happy person?
Hope everyone's having a good day!