Dec 31, 2007 20:29
My first review but one I felt I needed to, to get it off my chest (and try and get over it). Being a Marian fan, of course it's full of angst and broken heart but at the same time, I'm still a RH fan.
Naughty Djaq and the black powder, I'm suprised Robin wasn't angry about it? At least theres some continuity though.. So Much tries to negotiate and nearly gets killed and why is Little John the only one who tries to stop him? tut. I wonder where Djaq gets her hair mousse from, the "wet look" i see.
"I haven't got a fat face"
"Fat face"
"badger beard"
HA!! I laughed so much. Cheers Much, you always make me laugh, in a good way.
I love Marian and Guy being friends. But how Guy can't tell she is still in touch with Robin Hood (quite literally) is beyond me, Guy generally seems quite intelligent normally but, really now. RA with a cold makes Guy sound pretty damn... sweet? I can't take him seriously :)
"If you go along with farting, doesn't mean you farted yourself does it?" Haha Allan, I'm with Marian here and her face says it all.
And then Marian tries to find Robin and can't so suddenly decides to kill the Sheriff even though she knows EXACTLY what will happen?! Yeah very in character there isn't it... and then for some reason Guy decides to grass up Marian as the NWM even though he saved her life, WHY GUY! Why did you do that? Fjdsajdg! The beginning of the finale of OOC-ness. Her facial expressions during this scene are just so, strange. She has never done that kind of thing before... did anyone else notice that?
So Allan gets offered a lordship, so why does he leave to go back to the outlaws if he really had listened to what Will had told him.. to tie up endings of course! The whole way through this episode it feels like it is supposed to be the ending of all endings, which makes me think it was supposed to be an ending if they wanted and if the BBC felt like it they'd have another series.
"What, feel betrayed?" Oh Guy, that wasn't very nice now was it. Allan and Marian sitting next to each other really gives me good vibes indeeed.
Truth or .. truth! Yay! Djaq telling them they all stink, is good. And then... Djaq declaring her love for Will. I want to be happy I do, and I like some cheese but this is just too much for me. IMO we didn't know Djaq was in love with Will at allllll, they just wanted to make the fan girls happy I think because they knew they'd destroy most of us by the ending. Will gets turned on by manly fighting eh? Okay then Will ;) And then... bad times ahead when Little John goes emo A LOT :| I don't like it, it;s just abit out of the blue and even if they were playing a truth or dare game who goes that over the top?! I like knowing what they actually feel but all crammed in to 30 minutes of 1 episode? again with the tying up ends thing... but LOL at Much's face when LJ says "I DESERVE TO DIE" he's a bit O.O. Sam Troughton is just love. and then Robin sniggers at Much when he won't talk, Robz you big meanie. I think Robin actually thinks he is being his friend and honestly doesn't mean to be how he is sometimes, but it's just Robin isn't it. That is how Robin's character is supposed to be, and I personally love him for it and love the writers for making him like it. Sam's performance is spectacular, but what distracts me is how sexy Jonas looks through the whole scene. Oops. And then Jonas just gets amazing with his performance as well. The tears in his eyes. And how much he loves Maz :'( Build up the angst. "They are for the poor, they're for you, and they're for marian, the woman i love, the woman who recently i gave a ring to, the woman who makes me believe that by a twist of fate we might be able to see this through." Robin, you secret romancer. You give a dodgy proposal, you tie her up and give her some abuse but deep down eh, you're a big softie.
Gis is getting annoyed looking at Marian, bit too much emo eyeliner today, having some hanky panky with Allan. Allan can't sleep and looks VERY handsome in the moonlight, suits him. The first thing Marian cares about is Robin, she is so in love and it kills me. They NEED to have babies :( Guy's dream, was weird. A small power trip in sleep, I think. I know a lot of people liked it but I didn't really get it unless it was just him imagining that people need/want him more than they actually do? Will/Djaq kiss, quite sweet really. Will looks generally shocked. His first kiss we assume? God love this soundtrack. So then Allan strolls back into the gang, just like that. All forgiving, never mind about all that betrayal Allan. I mean, I'm very happy he's back where he belongs but it just seems to easy for the outlaws to be so accepting after everything he did? I like all of the brutal bloody sword noises. Yum... Here comes the good ole line... "I'm coming my love, I'm coming" .. I like this for it's complete and utter extra-strong mature cheddar-ness., but it really doesn't seem like something Robin would say in general... Do you think they overused the phrase 'My Love' this finale?
Oh loook they're in the Holy Land. That was quick wasn't it? I suppose we presume it's been a while... Since when did Marian become a leppa by the way? Ha. isn't that someone with lepracy? :S "Hands up who hasn't betrayed the group?" "Oh this one again, how clever".. har har <3 Anyone else finding Robin sexy dressed as a right ninja? "get a grip Marian?" historical language coming into the series, that's good. Harry Lloyd kicking ass, is fit. Robin speaking arabic, is fit. Robin's hair stylist, is fit. Konnie Huq you knob, go away.
Carter :D I never really bothered with him in Get Carter but now... Oh yes. I love Carter. Nice crown GKR, you get that from the £1 shop? Why the hell would GKR ever believe a random saracen man over his most trusted loyal servant? And as he does, this makes him the most stupid King.. ever. Mmhmm Marian's beautiful in that dress and her hair is all perfect. Then suddenly Guy turns against Marian AGAIN butalso turns MEGA EVIL GUY! WHY?! what on earth made him decide that? Oh i know, because we couldn't think of anything else. Or perhaps it's because he knows that he would never really have Marian's heart as he knows now she has connections with Hood and he can't handle it so just decides to go for power and the girl. All of that character building and work that Marian put into it, a whole series wasted basically. That's one reason I hate the finale because it feels like there was not a lot of point in most of the episodes now. Surely Guy is pretty sweaty in that leather clad? LOOOOOL at the Sheriff throwing chicken at marian. Sorry her facial expression just makes me crack up. Love you lucy.
Aww Will and Djaq being quite sweet really, tied up all sweaty to some poles in the desert. I love that Robin is so in love with Marian that he'd have a mirage of her, pretty fit. They're all shouting 'help' and then good old Allan shotus OIII! The music in this scene omg, how did I not realise what would happen?
And then, oh my :') So OOC but oh so sweet. "Say the words then handsome" :'( tears number 1. "he needs us" Marian always thinking of others. Saving her Robin. Now I know what is coming up, I feel all tight inside. Is it bad I couldn't care that the King got shot in the shoulder? Idiot man. And then CARTER just got stabbed! Poor Carter :( He was a good boy.
I think I was too busy crying to notice the first time but god Marian is a saint I swear. Anyway. Firstly, GUY!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! WHY?! WHAT THE?! I know he has a bit of a hot head but stabbing the woman you love?! WHAT! Not that I care about him the BALLSACK. I actually started liking him the last few episodes as he and Marian became friends, it was lovely, BUT NOW?! I'm gonna RAM my fist through his stomach. The look on her face when she is telling him she is going to marry Robin and she loves him is so beautiful. She looks just so happy to be finally free of that massive secret and I just don't think she can control herself now it's out and just doesn't realise that Guy would ever do that to her. I think she feels that having worked so hard to be friends that he is slightly redeemed and he wouldn't kill the woman he loves. And maybe it's the fact she just doesn't care anymore, she has had enough of living in the castle and is too impatient to wait it out and just wanted an end, so she had to make it clear to him she loved Robin, and it cost her her life. She always saw the best in people but sadly, there was just no good in Guy.
So here I start crying my eyes out, mega oops. The slow mo of Robin shouting MARIAN! got me as well, however cheesy slow-mo is these days... And then, the most tragic yet beautiful scene of Robin Hood EVER plays out to us. Marian is beautiful in her white dress (perfect timing for a white number, again I should have realised that), and she isn't feeling the pain. It is when she realises that she is actually going to die and the "ooh" groan she lets out is just so sad. To think that she now has no future with him, she must be devestated as it's all she wanted. "I hope we have forever in heaven because we didnt have enough time on earth", so beautiful, and her encouraging Robin to keep fighting, and I even managed to laugh this time when she says "thats the last time I marry you if you can't even remember" such a Marian thing to say. She is my hero. And then, here comes the wedding again. beautiful. The way Robin keeps stroking her hand the whole way through is beautiful. Make an honest woman of her, is all she ever wanted. And then she, the brave woman she is pulls out the sword, and it's Robin's "shhhs" that get me, what is Robin going to do? Breaks my heart to think about that. and then, choir music. Oh thanks! because you know choir music means the be all and end all. not to mention FLASH BACK MONTAGE! Of Marian looking happy and beautiful, the BBC really do now how to make someone have a break down. It's the flash backs that make me just know that Marian isn't coming back, as much as I'd want her to. I'm still really angry they have done this, you can't have Robin Hood without Marian, and if the writers were going on the original version where Marian wasn't in it then why have her there in the first place? Where will the romance be, what is going to happen? I'm VERY fearful of the next series unless the writers have something FANTASTIC up their sleeves, and if they don't i'll be up their sleeves and chew their hands off so they can never write again. Basically, I'm devestated they killed Marian off, but what's done is done, and they did it in the very best way possible and she died a beautiful, heroic death in the arms of the love of her life and surrounded by friends, and the King.
And then as if it couldn't get much worse, Will and Djaq leave! WILL can't leave!! When I was trying to work out who died ages ago back in November I had reasons as to why people couldn't go and hello, Will and Djaq can't leave because we need wood and axe weirlding and ok, good looks, and then Djaq can't leave as they need a doctor and scientist! Which makes me think that, they will return, possibly. Basically the whole episode for me felt as a finale for the series as a whole not just the current one, the way everything was rounded up, the way the ending credits rolled up where they were walking off into the sunshine. Very confusing to wonder what i sgoing to happen next but I saw someone say this, and I have to agree I'm just going to trust the writers even though they broke my heart and destroyed my OTP.
However, I want S3 now JUST to know what is going to happen! I hope there is a massive twist, it would just be the best. And if not then I am glad I have enjoyed 2 series of Robin/Marian love and the lovely Lucy Griffiths has managed to inspire me in many ways so if she isn't returning to the hood then i'll be following her, no doubt successful career, and same goes for Harry Lloyd, I've already started stalking him.