How does your brain create an OTP?

May 08, 2009 17:24

This question has actually been floating around in my head for awhile. Probaby since poisontaster mentioned something about no longer writing really writing j2. And certainly her AKB verse is a compelling reason for jeffrey/jensen. not_refined has managed to sell me on that as a pairing once or twice as well. I love both these stories, but they create some weird internal struggle for me because i am a j2-all-the-way-baby kinda chick. Sure, if j2 wants to invite a third to the party for some fun but then go back, fine. Other pairings weird me out. jp/chad? unnatural. Though i imagine during gilmore girls, not so much. ja/micha? shut the fuck up. jut no. (And this may because i remember him being in my backyard once or twice growing up, but i don't think so.) It's just, god, it's wrong in my schema. Why is that?

To carry this on, be it sam/dean or morgan/reid, there are some pairings that just are for me, and that's it. There are also some that can be negotiated. morgan/reid or morgan/garcia or morgan/garcia/reid work for me. reid/hotch? no. parker/hardison or hardison/eliot or hardison/parker/eliot or nate/eliot all work for me. nate with anyone else? no.

Why am musing on this? So, someone (probably merepersiflage because she's my crack dealer of choice when it comes to this stuff, or my gateway drug, or i don't know, some other kinda addiction related metaphor) sent me a bandslash fic once, by whom, i haven no idea. It was patrick/pete. Do I listen to FallOutBoy? Not so much. Is this now completely my OTP? hells yes.

There is even less Panic!AtTheDisco in my world than there is FallOutBoy. (Even if Nine in the Afternoon is on Rock Band 2.) However, because I have been in fandom denial, i was reading bandslash. And now i've found myself turned into a pretty solid brendon/spencer otp devotee. That's not the right word, but i can't entertain other pairings. i tried. Same author. Same awesome style. Could. Not. Do. It.

So, are OTPs formed for you by how you're introduced to them? That can't quite be it, because actually i saw a ton more hotch/reid than morgan/reid (even if it is WRONG and hurts my SOUL), but maybe what i saw on the screen was morgan/reid so it made it superfluous?

What do you all think of this? How do you form your OTPs? Do they change? Have they shifted? How come? Was it something that changed that made it shift?

otp, fandom, writing

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