Master Post

Aug 28, 2020 07:01

Master Fic List; Updated 2/08/2009

I've written enough at this point that it no longer feels stupid to have a master post for what I've written. Anything that keeps my organized. Most of this is Luke/Noah, but I'm attempting to branch out.

As The World Turns, specifically Luke & Noah, are my fandom of choice. I blame merepersiflage entirely for this. She first pointed me to the youtube clips and I've been hooked ever since.
  • Magnets: the 'verse I love the most because it was my first and because I met everyone through the writing of it.
    Not Broken - Part 1 (Up to New Year's Eve)
    Not Broken - Part 2 (Mmmm ... rubber tubing)
    Yeah ... Like *That* - Part 1 (Up to Valentine's Day Evening)
    Yeah ... Like *That* - Part 2 (Valentine's Day Evening)
    On My Knees I Think Clearer - Part 1 (Valentine's Continued)
    On My Knees I Think Clearer - Part 2 (Valentines Continued)
    Every Time I See Your Face - Luke, Noah & an alley behind Yo's
    It Was What I Wanted Now - Noah got married, but not to Luke, and now things are changing
    If I Wrote You - For two days, Luke and Noah aren't speaking
    Love Don't Die - Noah asks for space
    (Just Like) Starting Over - Part 1; Luke and Noah getting back together finally.

  • Interview: whoever knew that a drabble for a comment-pornathon could become this 'verse that people love?
    Parts 1 & 2 as a combo - An interview leads to something more
    Part 3 - Figuring things out
    Part 4 - In an alley
    Part 5a - A sort of date
    Part 5b - Back at the scene of the crime as it were
    Part 5c - Finishing off a date gone wrong
    Part 6a - Noah is running. Luke is hurt.
    Part 6b - Hot chocolate and the beginnings of hope.

  • Co-writing: The most fun since sliced bread. Especially if that bread somehow becomes really kinky.
    Home - ithilien22 suggested we should write together. And so we did.
    So? R U in? - ithilien22 and I made our fandom's heads explode.

  • One-offs
    Two Drabbles - One Victorian christmas; One toppy!bottom!luke and the bed of a truck.
    What Trucks Are For - Bottom!Noah; in a truck.
    Please - Bottom!Noah; on the kitchen counter.
    NSFW - Toppy!Bottom!Luke; an email exchange.
    A Promise to Himself - Top!Luke; behind the bleachers.
    Pinned - A drabble in an elevator.
    Doubt - Luke has doubts in drabble form.
    No Title Necessary - What happened after Luke's bedroom door was locked.

  • Remixes
    Moving Closer - A Remix of ithilien22's Farm Boy.
    I think we're practicing the same religion - A Remix of Belyste's All the constellations look down on us to see.

    Criminal Minds; my second fandom of choice. yffy is a great tv wife and she is wonderfully encouraging of this new found vice of mine.
  • Shadows and Light
    Shadows and Light part 1 - post Elephant's Memory, Morgan has a proposition for Reid.
    [His] Only Bad Habit Is Me - Spencer tests the water. Morgan makes his move.

    Everyone has to find that way that lets them know they're going to hell. I'm just glad I have such good company for the ride.
  • Jake/Van; yes the guys from ATWT. yes, a vice I cannot give up. yes, I know it's fiction.
  • I Dare You (in three installments)
    I Dare You - These dares they keep giving each other are getting out of hand.
    A Really Bad Idea - They discuss the merits of Bride & Prejudice.
    Better than a Brick to the Head - X-Men3 is really gay.

  • One-offs
    Tell Me - Friends don't let friends drink and dial.
    This Is Not A Girl Crush - Facebook, My Bloody Valentine, what more do you need?

  • J2; some day there will be something here. but not until it's done. duh.

    Also, if you have friended me. This would be a great place to comment and introduce yourself.
  • fandom, writing, fanfic

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