We Got Cancelled . . Again. (A Very Whiny Entry)

Jan 06, 2005 15:52

Got cancelled again today. Am kinda happy, but I'm also sick of this. All of it.

Honestly, why a Level 3 winter storm now, of all times?

Not only are we "iced in" (so to speak) - only emergency and medical people are allowed on the roads, and if "ordinary" people are out on the road, they'll be arrested - but I'm being driven slowly out of my mind with impatience and boredom.

Never thought I'd say this .. but I want to go back to school. Now. I've an oral presentation tomorrow, which I'm not even prepared for - and school's a welcoming distraction right now. Excluding there being midterm exams next week.

Our city's a sight to see, though - ice has literally frozen our plants outside, and has also caused trees to break and fall on the roads. It's amazing and terrifying at the same time.

We don't have any big trees nearby us, but on some of the busy main streets there's some, and those broke off and fell on the road, which caused delays.

. . Maybe it's good that there wasn't any school today either. But augh, it's so frustrating waiting for the ice to melt and for the electricity to be fixed and the trees that fall on the road to be moved - the joys of a Level 3 winter storm.

So there's my complaining done for the day.

Wonder if there's not going to be any school tomorrow either - they haven't announced tomorrow's cancellations and delays yet. This evening, probably, they'll announce it.

Oh, for the gifted public speakers out there - is there any advice you can give to a horrible public speaker (a.k.a. me) who's doing a presentation on computer viruses?

. . Which reminds me, the presentation's not even ready . . my partner and I haven't fulfilled all the requirements our teacher wants.

And we're presenting tomorrow - if there is school tomorrow. How and where are we going to finish adding the animation and so forth for the slideshow we're doing? *sigh* (By the way . . our "presentation" is a slideshow on PowerPoint. Yay.)

Off to ready my notecards then (hey, gotta be prepared no matter what! Hope Was Here must be rubbing off on me..). How exciting.

Expect a graphic laden post sometime today..
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