Three Fics + Two Birthdays + Me = Very Late Presents

Mar 26, 2005 10:58

Well, Marisol, you asked for it :P

I'm sorry that I didn't post it yesterday - there wasn't any chance for me to, as I was busy traveling from Washington, D.C. to Ohio (more about that later, possibly).

That sounds like a pitiful excuse . .

I'm really sorry again; can you forgive me for being late? :x

And for those who read this entry, this ( Read more... )

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prefectzero March 26 2005, 14:36:42 UTC
I liked it, I think your Hermione just hits the target. The problem that I have encountered so far with most Hr/D fics, is that Hermione is not Hermione. But your Hermione is good!

Of course it can't end like this :P Sequel please! (if you ever feel inspired) I would love to read more.


nousia March 26 2005, 15:11:32 UTC
*blush* Thanks, Marisol :)

A sequel??!!! Mmm..we'll see ;)

Have no clue how to continue it, though. Do you have any ideas?


prefectzero March 26 2005, 15:13:48 UTC
How about Draco's POV?

This is bad, you are making me enjoy a D/Hr fic and I'm making you write more, we are the worst H/Hr :P


nousia March 26 2005, 15:21:45 UTC
Draco's POV, eh? Hmm...

...I think I've got something.

Yes, we are! *lol* But D/Hr is a guilty pleasure; can we help it if we like it? :p


prefectzero March 26 2005, 15:28:28 UTC
No, we just really REALLY read "between the lines"

So, you are going to write more? Awesome! Can't wait.

Maybe we should start a support group for bad H/Hrs: "Living outside the law, my life as a D/Hr", or maybe we just need book 6 :P


nousia March 26 2005, 15:35:51 UTC
No, we just really REALLY read "between the lines"

Sí, sí! That we do.

Yep! Will let you know when it's done, if you want :)

Maybe we need both. <3 Good idea - then the bad H/Hrs will know it's all right to like "the bad ship" :p


angel_wing3 March 26 2005, 17:33:34 UTC
Exactly! Hermione is NOT Hermione or Draco is NOT Draco in D/Hr fics. That's why it's not that terrible if you are weird eno... *cough* peculiar enough to like the couple, it's like shipping an original pair anyway.

I have to read that ficlet by Nitya sometime, but not today, I don't want to start like you two!


prefectzero March 26 2005, 17:39:50 UTC
Maybe you are just really tempted to join "the bad ship" but are too afraid to read it.

Imagine que can just change our website to a Hr/D and Hr/H!!!!

A ship to enjoy during books and the canon ship!


prefectzero March 26 2005, 17:44:25 UTC
Imagine we can just change.... (talking with friends at smae time)


angel_wing3 March 26 2005, 17:56:08 UTC
*gags* Forget. it. I dislike Draco too much to see him paired up with Hermione, even if they are OoC. I agree with JK when she says she doesn't understand why people like Draco so much. He's evil. Maybe not Voldie-evil, but disgusting still. He almost made Buckbeak die just because his pride was hurt. He was on Umbridge's side. No, no, no, the world would have to end twice before I consider one of my favorite characters and that thing together.


prefectzero March 26 2005, 17:59:11 UTC
you know I was just kidding.

Honestly I read toooo, tooo much fanfic, and forget canon Draco, then I re-read the books and remember.

You know I should do that, I've been meaning to read the books in Spanish to look for discrepancies, that way I'll learn to dislike Draco in Spanish too.


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