Sep 24, 2006 17:15
My Work Schedule just keeps on changing! Isn't that fun!? I am now working 6 days a week once again and I'm off on tuesdays again so no more two days off in a row.. ToT I really liked that. I was able to catch up on alot of things, but now everything is backed up once again. -_-;; What can a girl do...>>..cry I guess! XD
So I'm going to go see Wicked once again, but that isn't until next September, $198 bucks I think it was, get a dinner, get front row seats! XD Hell that is a good deal. I can't wait to see Wicked again.
I must Remember!
~Give $90 dollars to Lori C.~
~Give Shianne her Movies back
~Must talk to Stacie on Tuesday! >O< Must Remember that one!
~Finish up Kelly's project and have it back to her tommorrow
~Finish all products and list for PAP Fair
~Must make 2 Auction Baskets! >O< Hell no I don't feel like it thought! *cries*
~Finish ArtWork for the ArtBook Sells
~Search for a new Car!! >O< Ollen's has a real nice Black one >>...<<...Though I really would like a Jeep Liberty their really nice...-_-;;
I wonder if Lori M. is coming in tommorrow? >>...Hmmm...
This has just been a crazy month...-_-;;