Sep 08, 2004 11:57
I would normally never post more than once in a day, furthermore more than twice in a week, but I feel that this is something I should say before I forget. Goth this and Goth that. I was wandering along the pages of LiveJournal and stumbled upon some so-called and selfdetermined "Goths" fighting with eachother... Calling eachother "mallgoths" and saying religion this and religion that and that Goth is this belief and this lifestyle. First, shall we begin with the foundation of the Gothic "way of life?" It began in the 70's evolving from and WITH the punk scene. So first, realize that goth wasn't exactly a LIFESTYLE but it was more of a trend following punk. Goth now has all sorts of useless meanings. I feel as though I need to explain the truth of the word Goth to these self righteous bastards. Goth is whatever you make of it. It is defined differently in different areas for Christ sake. What you all need to realize is that you are no more Goth than the next kid who cries about his life. Goth, in general, is determined by fashion, Nihilism(for the idiots who don't know, the general idea of Nihilism is that existence has no purpose, no one and nothing has a purpose, that's being very general), darkness, depression, self-loathe, things of the such. Goth is what you make of it. It's not a specific religion, although sometimes affiliated with Pagan and Satanic beliefs, but it's a classification directed by region and with a few specific requirements. If I felt like crying about my life, wearing all black... or in some cases all white, practicing a non or anti-Christ religion, and thought that we were all here for no reason, than I could be goth. Grow up kids, notice there are thousands times more young goths than adults? It's because you grow out of the immature way of life pitying yourself. If your life sucks so bad and you hate yourself so much, then get rid of yourself and save the rest of the world from listening to your bitching.