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Вард Майлс. Хлопчик-герой, народжений на три з половиною місяці раніше, не тільки вижив, але й відсвяткував перший рік свого життя. Материнська любов вкупі з лікарями та Божою милостю здатна творити Дива.
"This video sums up my son's first year. He was born way too early, and the obstacles he had to overcome were really big, but not bigger than our God.
This is a story of a mother's love for her baby.
A year ago from this Halloween he came home. I made this video to commemorate his first year and how far he has come. Today happens to be his mother's birthday... so I made this as a gift to her."
Тато хлопчика Бенжамін Скот Міллер про відео.