Dec 12, 2011 02:04
( the screen shows a cheerful, gangly teenager sitting at a table. he blinks at the 'recording' button, realizes it's on, and waves at the camera! it's all a very good job except that it's upside down. not realizing this, sorata launches right into speech. )
Heya! Now that it's been a coupla days, I thought I oughta say somethin' or another formally, since these are some kinda fancy personal computers, right? Ahh, I was never good with tech stuff! What I wanted to say, was, hello! My name is Arisugawa Sorata! Eighteen years old! From Osaka! It's great to meet ya all!
( he peers earnestly into the camera, like he expects to see people waving in reply. the truth is, he still has a knot of anxiety over things back home… but he has to make the best of things! ) I wanted to 'specially thank the nice 'niichans and 'neesans who talked to me the other day when I first popped up! Thank you very much! Please feel free to impose on me any time you wanna, 'specially Subaru-san and Kamui.
( he glances quickly down at his hands, his smile fading a little, although his tone remains upbeat. ) I just had a coupla questions! 'Sides it bein' winter, what's the date? An', y'see, I kinda had some stuff that needed doin' back home… so any kinda way to get back there would be great! Someone said somethin' 'bout time not movin', but that seems pretty amazing! Way more'n a simple guy like me can understand! …Oh, an', is it really okay for me to squat illegally in an empty house like this?
Well, there ain't no hurry on the answers! Thanks for your time! ( …not used to this kind of thing or computers in general, he has the need to end formally like it's a letter. )
next he'll be feeding them,
1999 is a totally normal year obviously,
team mom,
blackberries were invented in 1999,
evasive maneuvers captain!,
good manners are important,
he's not very good at being mysterious,
let me tell you about my girlfriend,
he'd much rather stay casual,
what are you talking about life is easy,
let's keep this light,
nooo intention of talking about 1999,
sorata is always feeding people,
let's think positive!,
a beautiful and elegant dialect,
but that doesn't mean he can use them,
ain't it right nice ta talk all neatly,
let me tell you about my kamui,
which means it's time to vaguely allude!,
he's trying to be evasive and mysterious