Question from a long time lurker

May 19, 2012 01:24

Hey guys! I recently reread MTNN and well, let me tell you... I fell in love with it all over again. I have read many different kinds of manga, but MTNN really sticks out for me. It was really nice to remind myself of how much this series had an impact on me by reading it again...

Anyway! I have decided that it would be nice to impart these feelings to Matsui Yuusei-sensei himself. I wonder if he gets a lot of foreign mail..

My only problem is that I do not know how to contact him. So my question is: Does anyone know Matsui Yuusei-sensei`s mailing address? Or any other way I could get my opinions to him about the series?

It would be a delight for me to send him a letter, and I would really appreciate it if anyone would post any info they had :)


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