A small question and possible plea

Sep 30, 2008 09:59

Recently, my computer crashed and took with it all of my Neuro anime (including my raws which will be sorely missed), I can see there's torrents listed under anime download tag to get the subs but before I go on a saving spree I thought I might ask two questions beforehand to save me a lil grief in the long run.

Question one being are the torrents still being hosted and seeded? I do hope so as animesuki I noticed only has a sparse selection of this anime at best. Question two is can I hope at all that there might somehow be a batch torrent out there which has all 25 episodes? It would be a blessing if so, but if not I can live with 25 separate torrents if they're still living.

I lost over 119 gigs of anime when my computer went down, I managed to replace the CG R2 I lost, working on recovering the latest season of bleach and am rather hoping I can get this and vampire knight back as well as xxxHolic Kei. Just thought if anyone who can help with this knows where I can get VK and xxxHolic Kei, I would be beyond grateful to them.

request, question

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