Mostly Harmless App

Apr 03, 2011 20:32


Name: Nica
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: kurainoyume
Timezone: PST
Other contact: Yume no Kakyou
Characters already in the game: Shiki Eiki nothing_is_grey
How did you find us?: Already here.


Character name: Fai (Original Fai, the twin of Fai D Flowright who's name was originally Yuui.)
Fandom: Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles.
Timeline: Before death.
Age: Physically around 10-12 but they were in a time bubble for many many years.
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Fai is capable of everything Yuui is, but without any training and also without any abuse. Since it is raw and he has never used it before it is much weaker than Yuui currently. But with more use it will become stronger. It has been mentioned in canon that Yuui can't use healing magic for some reason he doesn't know, but the way things work in the series I feel Fai may have the potential to do so, as he is one willing to sacrifice to save another, while Yuui was one more willing to destroy for those he loves.
How would they use their abilities?: Not very much, he needs to learn how to control it and channel it first. Since he is a gentle person though he wouldn't use it for anything bad.
Appearance: Fai is like Yuui, only when they were young. He is short as he is a child, with pale blond hair crisp blue eyes and fair skin. Upon arrival he will look like a mummy with floor length hair. With a little food and clean up he will look like a proper child.
Fai and Yuui were born in the country of Valeria the sons of the Emperors' younger brother. Everyone in their country had been looking forward to the birth except when they found out instead of one prince, they got twins. Soon their father died, and the people blamed them for it. Their mother took her own life as well. The crops started to do badly, and then the water got contaminated. The country began to put all the blame on the birth of Fai and Yuui, saying it was a bad omen.

They were further frightened of them due to their immense magical powers, and feeling that the bad luck would get worse if they killed the twins; the people locked them up. Fai was put in the tower and Yuui in the pit where he was trapped with the never rotting dead, the place they put the sinners to never have a grave to be thrown away. The prison was located in a valley where time ran differently and magic didn't work. The idea was to make them as unhappy as possible, and as long as they lived and were unhappy the country and its people would prosper and be happy.

They were given one option, that to be spared of the horrors of the prison they would have to kill the other. They chose to stick together instead, not baring the idea of doing such a thing.

Years were spent in the prison, never changing, always staying the same. Yuui tried to pile bodies up to escape, hoping that if he could get out he could use magic and rescue them both. One day a large amount of bodies were dumped, so many at once was unusual.

Yuui noticed that the bodies dumped were just average people, children, elderly, babies; all of them shouldn't have been sinners. The country was falling apart. Yuui discovered a Scroll that said the Emperor had gone mad and was killing people left and right and everyone was still blaming the twins. Finally the Emperor had killed everyone in the country and came to the pit to kill Yuui and Fai as well, until a strange hand came from a hole and killed the emperor in front of Yuui and as Fai watched from above.

After the death of the Emperor Yuui began to feel that there existence truly was a sin, that if they did manage to get to another country they would cause more problems for people. Fai began regretting not choosing to die back when they were given a choice, so Yuui wouldn't have had to go through such feelings. He began wishing to die, so Yuui could go on living.

Time passed and again a person showed up through a dimensional hole, Fei Wong offered Fai a way out, but said only one of them could leave. Fai chose Yuui to get out sacrificing himself. Meanwhile Fei Wong was also talking to Yuui, and Yuui chose Fai to leave, but the wish was warped to make him remember it as he chose Fai to die, as he watched his brother fall from the tower to his death in front of him.

Little is known about Fai's personality during this time, but it is easy to see through his actions that he is the more compassionate and passive twin. He is the one that Yuui tries to protect, and the one that is moved by sadness the most. He along with his brother Yuui at the time were innocent victims. Though, where Yuui cursed those who put them there, Fai never did so. He accepted his sad fate with equal sadness, but never did damn those for their mistakes or misdeeds. He is the kind of person to sacrifice them self (as he did) than to let another be hurt because of him. He is very gentle.

Why should that character be in this game: For OCs only.

Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only.

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: This is not an alternate version, but I feel I should just explain just in case it's confusing. Fai D Flowright as we know him was originally Yuui. He took his brothers name after Fai died in order to allow Fai to live on. He had wanted to be the one to die, so in his own way he killed Yuui and resurrected Fai. I am apping the original Fai and the Fai currently in game was originally Yuui.

Have you read up on how the game works?: There are missions, freelance, or mooching off others for work. The plug in is called FlamingFerret.

1st person sample:

[The small and horribly malnourished boy was sitting in the corner of the new arrivals area, scared and confused.]

I don't understand, why am I here? If this is the other world... if this.... Where is Yuui? Yuui is suppose to be here, not me, I told him to take Yuui! Yuui!! Not me... please... please save Yuui... he doesn't deserve this, he deserves better.... Yuui....

3rd person sample:
Fai could barely comprehend what was going on, and that was after the babblefish had been inserted. There were so many people, so many alien people, so much talk, and action and bustle, it was overwhelming. The only thing that kept him from completely shutting down was the desperate need to know where Yuui was. He had made a deal, he had given his life for Yuui, he had even thrown himself from the tower yet... yet where was Yuui? This was another world yet he was the one in it.

He tries to ask where his twin was, but instead got pushed over to another line, and then refused for not having the right paperwork. He didn't know what he was suppose to do here at all. The man wasn't there, Yuui wasn't there... he was alone. Finally instead of trying to do anything he curled up in a corner, his arms wrapped around his knees and his hair trailing off under him. He looked like specimen found in an ancient tome the way he sat there. It was hard to even tell he was alive.
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes.


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