I want to know 28 things about you. I don't care if we've never talked, never really clicked, or if we already know everything about each other. I really don't. You are obviously on my flist if you can read this so this means you!
1. Your Middle Name: Frances! 2. Age: 15 3. Single or Taken: sinnngle. 4. Favorite Movie: Uh. Fight Club, probably. 5. Favorite Song or Album: TOO HARD. maybe Who Killed Amanda Palmer, by Amanda Palmer... 6. Favorite Band/Artist: AGAIN. Margot and the nuclear so and sos, Brand New, Amanda Palmer or uh, maybe Death Cab For Cutie? IDK! 7. Dirty or Clean: I don't shower enough, my room is a wreck & I read & write porn. You decide. :P 8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: ears. I want lyrics tattooed somewhere, atm they'd be i don't necessarily believe there is a cure for this, but on the sides of my fingers, and broken up like I don't / necessarily / believe / there is a cure for this. 9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? nope. :/ 10. What's your philosophy on life? something good comes from every shitty thing, because it's true. 11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? Neither! There is a half a bottle. 12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Depends on the secret. If it was about me, probably; if it was about you, probably not. 13. What is your favorite memory of us? your failed italics through gmail! XDDD 14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure. UUUh. Reading porn about people who exist but take no part in its creation... /o\ 15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am left-handed!? 16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarkey) - what are they? not have to sleep, to be able to finish what i start, to be 5' 7" (because I have a stupid dream to be on America's next top model, DON'T JUDGE ME. /o\) 17. Can we get together and make a cake? NO. BECAUSE YOU UNDERESTIMATE UM. WORLDLINESS? WE HAVE A HUUUUGE COMMUNITY OF LATIN AMERICANS (not just mexicans!) AND ASIANS AND INDIANS AND EVERYONE ELSE, OKAY. YOU CAN BUY PM ANYTHING IF YOU ARE NOT AFRAID OF GOING TO THE NON-AMERICAN-GROCERIES. D:< 18. Which country is your spiritual home? ...uhm. Home is where the internet it? lol, no, srsly, it's sad how true that is. 19. What is your big weakness? i can't finish anything ;___; 20. Do you think I'm a good person? yes! 21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? English/literature. 22. Describe your accent. Uuuuhm. Generic American, really. I live in a big city with an airport, so there's like... a mix of everything. I say "y'all", though. Southern? 23. If you could change anything about me, would you? Your proximity to meeeee. 24. What do you wear to sleep? Tshirt and shortshorts. 25. Trousers or skirts? DRESSES. 26. Cigarettes or alcohol? Alcohol. 27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) YOU WOULD GIVE ME A CRASH COURSE IN ARGENTINAN, AND I WOULDN'T DIE AS A LAME, STUPID ONE-LANGUAGE AMERICAN. 28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? -
2. Age: 15
3. Single or Taken: sinnngle.
4. Favorite Movie: Uh. Fight Club, probably.
5. Favorite Song or Album: TOO HARD. maybe Who Killed Amanda Palmer, by Amanda Palmer...
6. Favorite Band/Artist: AGAIN. Margot and the nuclear so and sos, Brand New, Amanda Palmer or uh, maybe Death Cab For Cutie? IDK!
7. Dirty or Clean: I don't shower enough, my room is a wreck & I read & write porn. You decide. :P
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: ears. I want lyrics tattooed somewhere, atm they'd be i don't necessarily believe there is a cure for this, but on the sides of my fingers, and broken up like I don't / necessarily / believe / there is a cure for this.
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? nope. :/
10. What's your philosophy on life? something good comes from every shitty thing, because it's true.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? Neither! There is a half a bottle.
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Depends on the secret. If it was about me, probably; if it was about you, probably not.
13. What is your favorite memory of us? your failed italics through gmail! XDDD
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure. UUUh. Reading porn about people who exist but take no part in its creation... /o\
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am left-handed!?
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarkey) - what are they? not have to sleep, to be able to finish what i start, to be 5' 7" (because I have a stupid dream to be on America's next top model, DON'T JUDGE ME. /o\)
17. Can we get together and make a cake? NO. BECAUSE YOU UNDERESTIMATE
18. Which country is your spiritual home? ...uhm. Home is where the internet it? lol, no, srsly, it's sad how true that is.
19. What is your big weakness? i can't finish anything ;___;
20. Do you think I'm a good person? yes!
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? English/literature.
22. Describe your accent. Uuuuhm. Generic American, really. I live in a big city with an airport, so there's like... a mix of everything. I say "y'all", though. Southern?
23. If you could change anything about me, would you? Your proximity to meeeee.
24. What do you wear to sleep? Tshirt and shortshorts.
25. Trousers or skirts? DRESSES.
26. Cigarettes or alcohol? Alcohol.
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) YOU WOULD GIVE ME A CRASH COURSE IN ARGENTINAN, AND I WOULDN'T DIE AS A LAME, STUPID ONE-LANGUAGE AMERICAN.
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? -
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