(no subject)

May 13, 2008 19:29

Author: Mar (notyourshot  )
Fandom: Panic at the Disco
Pairing: Um, Ryden, Joncer and just a pisk of Ryan/Keltie
Rating: Um, PG-13 I think.
Summary: It's for the 10 drabble prompt hanneberry  posted at satdcompanion  .
A/N: I neeeeeeeeeed a beeeeeeeeetaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

 1. I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan

There was a knock on the door and Brendon leaped from his bed to answer. A flustered Ryan stood by his door, looking at him silently.

“Ryan? What are you doing here?”

“Uh, hi. This’ll be quick. Um, we’ve talked about it with the guys and…would you like to join the band?” he smiled and Brendon gawked in surprise.

“Oh my God, really? Um, well, I-yeah! Yes, sure, yeah”

“Awesome. So see you tomorrow, Spencer’s house”

“Tomorrow?” A thousand apologies to his mom went through his head. Not going to Church was bad bad bad bad bad. You’ll go to hell, Brendon. Oh, what the heck “Sure, tomorrow!”

2. I’m Shaking - Rooney

The beer is too bitter. Or maybe too sweet. Honestly, Ryan can’t tell. There are hundreds of little acid sweets spread over the floor, classified by color and brand.

Killing time, Ryan calls it.

Panicking over Brendon not paying any attention, Spencer prefers.

3. To the End - My Chemical Romance

“Jon. Jon, don’t.”

“What?” Jon smiles innocently at him, the bloody knife still in his hands.

“Please, Jon. Brendon’s gonna kill you when he founds out. He’ll be sick and, no, I can’t deal with annoying sick Brendon right now.”

“I’m not doing anything, Spin.” He didn’t look up from the cuts he was making into the flesh.

“Fine. But you’re the one explaining” And with that, he opened the oven and took out the steak.

4. The World Around You - Papa Roach

The door clicks exactly the same way it always does. The floor creaks in the same places. The sigh of relief to be home is just as usual. Ryan thinks nothing’s changed. But it seems he was wrong. Oh, how wrong.

Keltie. Where’s Keltie? Why is she cutting his face out of her birthday’s pictures? Why does she ignore him? The hug is not different, still caring, familiar. But she cringes and turns her back to him.

“You smell like Brendon” is the only explanation.

5. I Get Along - The Libertines

“I am not jerking off! Leave me alone!” and those were the last words anyone heard from Brendon since he locked himself in the bathroom.

An hour later, he came out and yelled:

“There, Ryan! Told you I could write a song!” He was holding a long scribbled paper.

“Brendon, did you write that in toilet paper?”

6. Make This Go on Forever - Snow Patrol

Tap, tap, tap.

The tapping on the table is getting annoying. She’s sure she could break the pen if she kept on. Okay. Breathe, she tells herself.

Tap, tap, tap.

The words are not going to write themselves. She just wished they would. Should she apologize? Or say goodbye? Or be formal and just leave her name? Yes, she’s not feeling very eloquent. Tap, tap, tap.

The pen broke. And the sheet of paper is now crumpled inside the waste bin.

“Hey, Kelt. I’m home” Ryan’s home. Home, their home. Yes, it sounds nice. Maybe she can give it another chance. (One, two, three, how many can you give?)


7. Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner - Fall Out Boy

He couldn’t say no to Brendon sneaking into his bunk. Brendon lying next to him. Brendon breathing on his neck. Brendon sleeping with him tonight. Again.

He couldn’t say no to Keltie snuggling up to him. Keltie’s hands roaming over his body. Keltie kissing him. Keltie sleeping with him. In their bed. Again.

8. Sin City - AC/DC

Jon’s eyes sparkle today. He wants to show Spencer something. They walk out Spencer’s house, a bounce in Jon’s step. They stop next to a car. A yellow, used car.


“What? Jon, I don’t know why you g-“ his eyes widen as the realization sinks in. “A car? Yours? You got a car?”

Jon nods enthusiastically and opens the door for him. The leather seats look original when they climb in. Spencer scratches at the foam coming out of a cut next to him, smiling brightly. They sit quietly for a minute, Jon touching everything and Spencer just watching in awe.

“So, when are we having sex here?”

9. Mad as Rabbits - Panic at the Disco

“Tu tu turu, tu tu-” Spencer cracks up laughing. Again. Now they have to re-record that part for like the hundredth time.

“Dude! It’s not so funny! Just fucking sing it!” No one gets what Spencer’s laughing at.

“But-but it is!” and so Spencer Smith kept on giggling, laughing, gasping for air and holding his stomach for the next fifteen minutes, non-stop.

10. Naïve - The Kooks

“-something so beautiful, but every time I look inside. I know, she knows, that I’m not fond of asking-“ Brendon smacked his forehead. ”Stupid, stupid song in the stupid radio! Get out of my head!”

He opened the cupboard and took out a towel.

“Ta da da da so naïve yet so-argh!”

11. Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for a Sunbeam - Nirvana

The water in the bowl reddened as Spencer dipped the bloody lint. He was washing a bad cut on Ryan’s stomach when he found a little star-shaped scar above his bellybutton.

“Gasp! Ryan Ross! You have been chosen! You are meant to do big things!”

A/N: So I ended up doing eleven because I messed up and it was fun. Sorry if there's anything too wrong. 

writing, drabbles, ryden, open entry, keltie/ryan, joncer

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