(no subject)

Mar 05, 2010 21:37

well i was writing about cancer, but then i was called for dinner. and obviously, food beats cancer. anyway, here, i guess you guys can have what i had written:

the thing about cancer, is that it does not feel like a disease. it is more like that time you asked your teacher mrs. mapplethorpe (who could also be mrs. smith or mrs. adamovsky or mr. buckley) what war was and she just looked at you and said "oh, honey" with a smile that reminded you of your aunt when she forced you to watch "titanic" with her.

see, they never really teach you what war is. you manage to learn the five Ws if you're lucky: who, when, where, why and what the hell. your mind is stuffed with thinking that arabs want to kill you and that war is dangerous and that you should never ever sign up for the army. unless you are poor. in which case you still need to ask your mother for permission, and it would be better if you could get a job, but should that day arrive, then, and only then, you may consider being a soldier. or a military nurse, if possible.

so you don't know what war is.

and you don't know what cancer is. what you are told is that it's cells, going crazy. reproducing and then killing each other and maybe something about the gestapo.

everything they explained instantly took you to those images of the spartans from your sixth grade history book.

cancer is like war.

or war is like cancer, i suppose you can say if you're a pacifist or a feminist or whathaveyouist. personally, i'm an acquarius.

my point is: that war killed the spartans. to them it was an irrevocable and inherent to their existence. (like cells.) in the end, it took them all out. one minute they were there. the next minute there was war. the last minute was only time and space, and they were no more. (like cancer.)

a part of their being killed them. and a part of my mother, took my mother.

et tu, brute?

(the only difference, i fear, is that war does not just happen. unless you are blind or stupid, you see it coming. and unless you are corrupt with bloodlust and all other types of lust, you try to stop it. however, you cannot see cancer coming at you.

unless you're paranoid.)

writing, cancer

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