So i woke up this morning and realised how achey i am:
Right index finger- Apperently has some kind of splinter, and thobs occasionaly
Right & left heels- just plain ache. Too much walking or something.
Middle left back- Pinched nerve, i believe due to excessive weight lifting at Crackerbarrel
Left "big" Toe- The tip of it is always numb for some reason
Right sholder- Feels like a pulled mussle (wrestling with a friend, thats my B.)
Feet- over all my feet are sore, i need to be gellin'
Right wrist- I believe i am aquiring waiters wrist.. it feels kinked!
So When i wake up in the morning it all just throbs together, and makes me walk funny all the way to the bathroom, where a nice warm shower seems to make it all temporarly better!! But still... im getting old!
I have also been neglecting my live journal page, as i have been having fun with another webpage, based journal... its name is
my space. Sorry live journal... we can still be friends!