May 29, 2007 18:47
I had my first day of work today. Last night I was freaking out because normally, I'm the one in charge as the director or the teacher. I always have to prepare for the first day. Last night, I felt ill-prepared and I was totally nervous because I didn't know what I would be doing.
But today went ok. I didn't really do much but around 3 they finally gave me a real task that wasn't just reading the manual. It was super boring but I was happy to be doing anything! It seems like everyone enjoys their jobs and stays for a long time, which is nice. My office is ridiculously quiet... and my computer has itunes on it... maybe I can bring in head phones... I'll find out. Today I started with a cubicle in the back, tucked away from anyone else. Tomorrow I'm moving next to the door, everyone will be able to see me anytime they go anywhere (boo on that!). Oh well, at least it seems promising.
Tomorrow I have 3 meetings scheduled for 30 minutes each with different people. I don't know what is supposed to happen at those meetings... so this will be interesting. Although one of the people I'm meeting with also has a degree in theater and she said that's all we're going to be talking about. That at least sounds fun!
I hope I fall madly in love with this job... although I'm already trying to figure out where I want to be promoted to. I think event planning would be fun (but then I would lose my window), we do lots of planned events.