Nov 14, 2005 16:18
Well Rod and I have been saying for a long time that we were going to find a new apartment... at least now we have some real incentive.
Last night the (crazy) person that lives below us caught his apartment on fire. No he wasn't there but its still his fault for being a dumbass at hooking up stereo equipment. Five more minutes and our apartment would have started burning too. But no... we're lucky... at least that's what everyone else says... we're lucky because all of our stuff... all of it... is just smoke damaged and/or covered in soot.
Trying to make this short as possible, we were at WalMart and got a phone call from Moose, he said there was a bunch of fire engines and ambulances at our apartment building, and he also said he thought the smoke/etc. was coming from the apartment below ours. So we go over and there are fire trucks/etc. everywhere and we park at a gas station nearby and walk over. I see all these people out in the yard holding their pets and it wasn't until then that I remembered Raven. I still feel guilty about that and probably always will. Anyway I went over and spotted an EMT that we know and she pointed me to the group of animals on the ground and I found Raven, she told us she was hiding under our bed and they had to move the bed to get her out, she was salivating and panting and they had to give her oxygen! And they gave her water and then she was fine. I am very glad I didn't have to see that. Anyway we put her in Rodney's van (which she didn't like either, but we couldn't keep hold of her, she was still freaking out) then we tried to find out what had happened. By then Mom and Jay were there, Jay talked to some of the firemen and they told him that the stereo/speakers/whatever had caught fire, they had to throw them out the window and extinguish them in the yard but they got everything out in enough time... five minutes or less it would have reached our place. Everyone else seemed so la-dee-da about it, and all I wanted to do was cry but I didn't (I had cried for a minute once I got hold of Raven but I had quit after that) but anyway we were standing there and Mom was like "are you okay?" and I'm like "No I'm tired of standing here and I don't want to be here I want to get my stuff and go" because Jay had said we wouldn't be able to stay there for a while and we were going to stay at Mom's. Well I said that and he went over and talked to the firemen again for a second then he comes back over with a flashlight and was like "Let's go" (by the way if you don't know or if you've forgotten 'cause its been such a long time since I've been on here, Jay is mom's boyfriend and he is a fireman, well he's like a lieutenant or something I don't know, but anyway he works on the VA side of Bristol and this was TN) So I'm glad he was there because I guess they weren't going to let us in (everyone else could but apparently we were going to have to wait forever) but we went up, we had electricity but I was about to go crazy 'cause I couldn't think of what I should get, what I shouldn't, I just couldn't think straight. I grabbed a bag and put the most random articles of clothing in it, then grabbed stuff like my toothbrush and deodorant or whatever... then we went and got Raven a litterbox and stuff and went to mom's. Then we left and went to Ireson's to see Legbone and I drank a bit, not enough to get drunk but enough to be able to kinda laugh about what had happened. Well last night we slept in Mom's bed and it was terrible, every pillow she had hurt my neck/back and I was miserable and didn't sleep hardly at all. This morning I got a phone call at 6am from work, asking me if I could come in for a couple of hours. I went and I was in a total daze... I just kept repeating my story over and over like I had done the night before, feeling stupid because I felt like I was complaining, when everyone kept saying I was lucky. Well I don't feel fucking lucky. But it didn't really hit me until today what all had happened. I kept laying down in the floor with Raven and crying. Which was hard because she still stinks like all hell and makes me sneeze. I called in to work (I was supposed to go back at 3pm), I was just honest, I told them I felt like I was about to lose it, and that is how I felt. I feel a little better now I guess, only because I've kept myself busy washing all our clothes. I can't stop myself from smelling each item before I put it in the washer though, and every once in a while that causes me to tear up. Before you ask, no, no one is going to come professionally clean our apartment or our stuff, we have to do it all ourselves. And I just found this out as well, not only did they not kick the guy out who caused all of this, they gave him an even nicer apartment to stay in. But right now Rodney and our friend Joey are over there cleaning and they are boxing stuff up as they clean it because we are moving as soon as we possibly can, no more spending money on anything other than food or gas or absolute necessities like toilet paper, I refuse to give those people another dollar. We are going to have to pay twice as much as what we have been paying (yes, we had a very cheap place) and its so hard to find a place in Bristol; everything is taken, really it is. I am hoping we can move very soon but if not I guess we will be staying here, which will be okay as long as it is not for long, I feel just being here a week or so while we clean will be enough for mom to be like "agh, leave!" but I hope it won't be too bad.
Okay I have to stop typing now because I have a ton of laundry to do and stuff to wipe off. Thanks for listening.