survey... can't you feel the love?

Aug 11, 2005 15:57

(this was actually taken at like 6:00 or 6:30 this morning, but I'm just now posting it)

1. What are you the BEST at cooking( you have to say something...i don’t care if its cereal)?
I make really good Italian anything.

2. If you could have ONE superPOWER what would it be?

3. What would you do with your new super power?
be invisible

4. If your life was a movie......what would the name of it be?
She Can't Win For Losing

5. Have you ever made someone breakfast in bed, and if so what did you make?
yes, I don't know

6. What is your middle name?
Fee, yes like money. it is the shortened result from the original Scottish name McAfee then McFee then just Fee.

7. How did your first pet pass away ( unless you have never had this happen.......just skip the question)?
I don't remember how my first pet died so I'll tell you about the first one I remember- ran over by car

8. Would you rather lose a leg or an arm?

9. What is your alcoholic drink of choice (brand names also)?
I dunno. whatever

10. If you could play ANY musical instrument bad ass....which would it be (if you play one bad ass must pick a second one)?

11. Have you ever, or almost ever got into a car accident because you were on your cell phone talkie talkin’?
yes, got into accident. it was my fault overall but the other driver speeding didn't help much, but if I hadn't been on the phone it might not have been AS bad. it'd take an explanation which I don't feel like doing

12. Have you ever broke something just because you wanted to break something........and what was it?
"just because you wanted to break something" as in wanted to break anything?? I mean I'm sure I've broken stuff because I wanted to break that thing specifically, but I've never broken anything just out of like, random anger like at a person or situation.

13. Pick up the closest book to you and turn to page 52 and type the 3rd sentence of the 4th paragraph.
Now, a private pen or ink-bottle is seldom allowed to be in such a state, and the combination of the two must be quite rare.

14. If you could own ANY wild animal and it would be your tame loyal friend.....what animal would you pick?
hippo? I dunno

15. What is your LEAST favorite NAME male and female?
wow that's stupid

16. Martha Stewart....or.....Paris Hilton?
I don't understand the question

17. Name something you have thrown at someone?

18. If you could know ONE thing (anything) about everyone that you first meet (kinda like a 6th sense) what would it be?
wash or don't wash after going to the bathroom.

19. What is your most fav thing hanging on your wall at home right now?
I... yeah I don't know

20. What is the grossest thing in your fridge right now ( if nothing NOW....then EVER)?
well, something smells, I am not sure but I think it is a plastic container that has some sliced pears in it

21. What is your favorite smell?
I don't know. cherry pie smells pretty good

22. (ok ok here it is) If you were marooned on an island what 3 items would you bring (food, water and shelter are taken care of)?
books, sunscreen, towel

23. Have you ever given yourself the out loud “motivational speech” in the mirror?

24. Name an object you miss that you had when you were a child?
Unico movie

25. Would you break your own finger for 1 MILLION dollars (tax free)?
yes, bones heal

26. Would you rather be invisible when ever you wanted or be able to fly like peter pan?

27. What color is your toothbrush?
I think it is white and maroon

28. Name something (someONE even i don't care) you would love to do target practice on?
anna nicole smith

29. What was one of your themed b-days as a kid?

30. Can you make a paper swan without looking at instructions?

31. What movie have you watched MORE than any other?
oh I don't know. probably like snoopy come home or some other childhood favorite; I watched movies a lot more as a kid than I do now

32. If you HAD to loose one of your 5 senses which one would it be (hearing, sight, touch, taste, sound)?
I'll pretend the idiot that made this survey put the correct 5 senses, and say smell

33. Make a sentence with the letters of your first name?
Juvenile errors seem simply irrelevant cried aloud. I don't think it means anything but maybe it could.

34. Would you survive if you could only eat with chopsticks?
of course why the fuck not, you didn't cut my hands off did you?

35. Pick a number between 1 and 15,253

36. What does your phone do when it rings?
wakes me the fuck up

37. If you could be a GYNORMOUS SUPER MEGA STAR for 5 years, but the fall of your fame would be a prison sentence of 5 years (which you could not buy your way out of) .........would you do it?
it would depend on why I was famous. If I were famous for like, eternal world peace or something, yes. if I were just in the movies or something, for only 5 years, being in prison for 5 years wouldn't be worth it

38. Name what one of your trophies are for (if you don't have one .....get the hell out there and get one)?
I had a t-ball trophy

39. Name something inside your vehicle that shouldn’t be there?

40. What was the last word you said out loud?

41. finish this sentence:: The _______ went to the ______ to get the _______, but the ______ didn’t ________!
The prostitute went to the pharmacy to get the morning-after pill, but the pharmacist didn't prescribe it to her because he was a pig-headed ignorant judgmental jackass from the bible belt.

42. What was the dumbest thing you have ever been frightened of?
I don't know

43. Name a food you HATED as a kid but LOVE now?
salads, I was like 12 before I ever ate a salad

44. What is the perfect sound?
rod breathing while he sleeps

45. Name three cartoon characters?
meg griffin, daria morgandorfer, meatwad

46. Name something you would NEVER eat (it must be a food though)?
coleslaw. I gave it three chances. no more.

47. Television or Movies?
movies I guess. its all crap.

48. Name someone that is dead now..that you would love to have spent the day with?
my grandfather I never met because he died when my mother was three

49. Name a WEIRD / UNIQUE talent you have?
I can shoot darts out of my vagina.

50. Rate this quiz....
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