Apr 26, 2004 20:34
Name: Chrissy, issy, chris, cooke, slut, skank, hooker... lol i could go on...
Birthdate: 10/6/88
Birthplace: LBC
Current Location: surf city
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brunette
Righty or Lefty: ambidextrous
Zodiac Sign: libra?
The shoes you wore today: whit sandles
Your hair: is short
Your weakness: boys
Your fears: falling in love
One thing you'd like to achieve: being best friends with rachel and megan for the rest of my life
Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: lol
Your thoughts first waking up: wake and bake
The first features you notice in the opposite sex: body and face
Your best physical features: i dont know, i dont really like how i look but who really does? everyone says ive got nice eyes and nice lips...
Your bedtime: wtf is that?
Your greatest fear: losing my mom
Your greatest accomplishment: i am undefeted this swim season
Your most missed memory: 8th grade and last summer
Pepsi or coke: ew soda
McDonald's or Burger King: dude... McDonald's cmon man...
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: both yum
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate ( lol thats my jungle fever)
Cappucino or coffee: both are yuuuuummmmmy
Smoke: bud
Cuss: potty mouth up in hurr
Sing well: when i want to and when im not wasted
Take a shower everyday: at least one...
Do you think you've been in love: fuck i dont know ne more
Like high school: FUCK no
Want to get married: lol i dont think so
Believe in yourself: in some aspects
Get motion sickness: naw
Think you're attractive: i think im decent but im not conceided like rachel mother fucking hiles
Think you're a health freak: hellllllll no... fatty over here is a stoner cmon
Get along with your parents: with my mom
Like thunderstorms: so great
Play an instrument: used to but fuck that
in the past month have you..
Drink alcohol: lol god yes
Smoke(d): every day
Done a drug: every day
Have Sex: thats a secret <3
Made Out: haha yeap
Go on a date: im not sure if it was a date or not
Go to the mall: haha the past 3 weeksends ive gona shopping
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ew no
Eaten sushi: my favoriteBeen on stage: yes
Been dumped: i think its been a little over a month
Gone skating: no lol
Made homemade cookies: yeap like 2 days ago yum
Been in love: fuck that
Gone skinny dipping: i wish damn
Dyed your hair: nope
Stolen anything: haha hell yeah im a little clepto right guys?
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: tony made up a game that we p layed 2 weeks ago <3
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: numerious times
Been caught "doing something": haha i think the whole camp ground "caught" us
Been called a tease: yesterday
Shoplifted: major clepto remember?
If so, did you get caught: clepto's are good at not getting caught
Changed who you were to fit in: never in my life
Age you hope to be married: never
Numbers and Names of Children:uh childrean are no bueno
Descibe your Dream Wedding: dude fuck this marraige shit
How do you want to die: stoned
What country would you most like to visit: france
Current Clothes: pink pj pants and a blue tank
Current Mood: confused
Current Taste: spagetti
Current Hair: ponytail and wet
Current Smell: spagetti
Current thing you ought to be doing: working on my history project
Current Desktop Picture: a picture of me passing out on the toilette because im so drunk
Current Favorite Groups: i dont listen to "groups"
Current Book: there is a few im supposed to be reading
Current Refreshment: pepsi (ew)
Current Worry: tony or brian
Current Crush: tony and brian
Current Favorite Celebrity: rachel mother fucking hiles (future playboy model)