new app for squarewarts | WIP

Jul 03, 2010 11:33

Player Information

Name: Nym
LJ Account: digthenym
Messenger: acediatheory
Current characters, if any:
Jaina Solo | abovetwinsuns
Ta'a Chume | hatesyourheir
Rail Kainer | lied_ich_sing

Would you like to be paired with a member of our welcoming committee? Great quaffles and waffles!

In-Game Character Information
Name: Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Series: Star Trek XI
Age: 18


Outwardly, McCoy has all of the gentleness and grace of a charging bulldozer. He's cranky, caustic, a bit of a downer, and definitely more than a bit of a buzzkill. He has a very practical and pragmatic view of his surroundings and the people in said surroundings, which makes him far from hesitant to tell someone off for having their head up their ass. He's a sourpuss to most people, not exactly the most social of guys, and would rather spend an afternoon reading than going out to some damn nightclub in Iowa. He's a sixty year old man in an eighteen year old's body, and ready to tell you to get the hell off his lawn.

But the outward perceptions aren't all that make up McCoy. Underneath the attitude and sarcasm, he's a deeply compassionate man with very firm beliefs. He is something of a bleeding heart, despite his better efforts to the contrary, and would be incapable of walking away from someone who needed him-- whether it be as a healer or as a friend. A workaholic, Bones strives to make sure that everyone is up to par healthwise, and has something of a mother hen complex when dealing with people he considers to be his patients (read: everyone). If you're his friend, he may complain, but he'll go the extra mile with you and give you his best pair of shoes to boot. Canonically, this is most strongly evident with his relationship to Jim, as he constantly puts his own career on the line in order to help him out. McCoy is someone who wouldn't think twice about bending a few rules when it comes down to the line, if it means assisting those he cares for. Because of this, he is often reluctantly convinced into shenanigans or compromising situations, having something of a mild guilt complex when it comes to people who chime in for favors. It won't be done without protest, and he'll bitch about it months after the fact, but he'll do whatever it takes all the same. He's a man of his word, through and through and as honest as a situation allows him to be.

McCoy can also keep the calmer head in a situation. While he is easily persuaded by his emotions and often subjected to them, he has a very definite sense of responsibility that he is very, very reluctant to break. Mature and focused, when he's assigned to a task he's going to try his best to fulfill it to the very best of his ability. Often the straight man in a group of more rambunctious and overzealous friends, it's typically McCoy who's the one to point out the basic, ultimate truths and provide the level head to situations. He's a man who goes with his gut, and knows his gut's gonna be right.

Something of a worrywart as well, McCoy often has a mind that is constantly diagnosing and assessing the danger levels of certain situations or potential situations. He has a varied and extensive list of phobias, half of which he may or may not have made up for himself. His thinker is always on--analyzing, interpreting and hypothesizing--which makes he something close to paranoid. He knows every illness in the book, and all the possibilities of dangerous scenarios. Because of this McCoy tends to lean to the simple side of life, avoiding the thrill seeking and extreme measures that his friends are unfortunately found of. He's a man of caution, making sure all circumstances are covered and his first aid kit is fully stocked.


Leonard McCoy was raised by two muggle parents, his biological father David and a stepmother, in the rural south of Georgia in the United States. His mother was pureblooded witch of esteem class who divorced his father after being unable to handle the mundane aspects of muggle life, and Leonard rarely had contact with her. Because of his disassociation from the magical community, Leonard was raised to follow in his father's footsteps and become a physician. He was reading Gray's Anatomy before he was eleven, and had an obvious talent for the medical practice, even enrolling in a specialized school in Mississippi. His childhood, for all extents and purposes, was rather safe and boring, until he received his Hogwarts letter in the mail.

McCoy dismissed the first one as rubbish and threw it away. Magic was for silly children, after all.
Then came more letters.
And more letters.
And yet...more letters.
Until McCoy finally conceded with an eyeroll, taking the letter if only to stop the damn birds from making a mess of his living room. David discovered one of the many letters substituting for carpeting in the McCoy family home and assured his son that, yes, those were in fact real, and Hogwarts was not actually as silly of a place as it sounded.

Leonard finally caved, going with his father to Platform 9 3/4, before halting immediately.
He didn't expect to actually have to go by train.

To say that Leonard wasn't a fan of that mode of transportation would be a gross understatement. He hated trains, viewing them as obstacles of death and destruction, and flat out refused to board it,  However,  seeing that the Scarlet Express was the only way into Hogwarts, several Professors carted him up and dragged him, ignoring the protests about how many people died in train accidents annually.

After the train had started moving towards that silly school of magic, Leonard made a quick beeline to the restroom, about to lock himself in (emergency drills always told you to go to the restroom, after all) when an attendant had spotted him. She grabbed his arm, gave him a stern talking to - while ignoring the protests  of how many people died on train rides annually - and tossed him into the closest open compartment.

In the compartment was only one other boy, James Tiberius Kirk, who eyed him with something borderline skeptical. Leonard had only hmphed, warned Jim that he might throw up on him,  went into a rant about how many people died in train accidents annually, before eloquently himself off by fulfilling his promise and throwing up on Jim's shoes.

The two were then destined to become best friends, especially when Leonard offered Jim a flask full of brandy in apology (soothed the nerves he had regarding riding a contraption that killed several people annually) and Jim accepted. The two of them were inseperable during the first few years of Hogwarts, Leonard serving as Jim's nanny more often than not, but nonetheless they were close.

However, in fourth year things took a downward turn for poor Leonard. He started dating a very evil and blonde woman, who manipulated and used him until all he had left was his very bones. McCoy broke it off with her, but not before the girl who had stolen his heart had also stolen his wallet.

Broke and just a little bit heartbroken to boot, Bones vyed for a change of scenery, accepting his biological mother's longstanding offer of attending a private, exclusive wizarding academy. He went there for the duration of sixth year, grew a beard, a love for whiskey and bourbon, decided the snobbery wasn't for him, and returned to Hogwarts for seventh year, a little more rough for wear.

While at Hogwarts, things began to fall into their regular routine. He and Jim reunited and so did his skull with headaches, and things seemed to be going relatively smoothly for Hogwarts. Until, that is, the boggarts invaded the school and sent Bones into something resembling Post Traumatic Stress after he had been forced to confront his greatest fear -- letting the people he loved bleed out and flatline under him. After taking a few days of binge drinking and inner reflection, Bones took a spot at St. Mungo's healing program, hoping that his time there would allow him to get over his fear and back into the one thing he truly loved-- medicine. After completing the program with flying colors, Bones finally felt as if he were able to face school again, and thus returned to his studies.

Blood: Half

Preferred House: Hufflepuff
Why you think they belong in this house?
I realized that I had McCoy in Ravenclaw the first time that he was here, and while that does suit him, I think Hufflepuff's a much better place. McCoy is something of a workaholic, constantly doing something to keep his hands busy and his mind sharp, and doesn't shy away from difficult undertakings. But more than that, when he's loyal to someone, he's damn loyal. Friends and family are McCoy's priority, he won't  let them go through anything alone without a severely cranky shoulder to lean on. He's also something of a mother hen, making sure everyone is in good health and not doing things that are gonna get their dumbasses killed.

School Year: 7th

Quidditch Position: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no
Would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? McCoy would make a totes awesome prefect /o/

Roleplay Samples

Journal Sample: (first person)

[clearly this was written down somewhere else, but due to a mixup, is now recorded in McCoy's journal]

To Get Next Hogsmeade Trip

-Something to get the damn cupcake frosting out of the common room sofas. Possibly bleach, maybe shout-out or Goo Gone.


-Six pack of firewhiskey to bribe Jim into doing his homework. For once.

-A new pad of post-its. Best to get the double stick kind. Maybe ones magically charmed to withstand the hobgoblin's long-windedness.

-Tea. All this damn babysitting's making my throat sore and my head sorer.

-Aspirin. Double strength, probably some Nerf Calming Draught as well.

-More bourbon.

-Curtains for Sulu. Maybe some tea too. Lord knows he could use it.

-Whiskey to go with the bourbon.

Roleplay Sample: (third person)

McCoy glared.

And glared.

And glared some more, wondering how much damn time it was going to take before the kid felt the eyes boring into the back of his skull. Which, as it turned out, was apparently more than thirty seconds as that was all the time McCoy felt like waiting before he cleared his throat, dropping his satchel down on the ground in favor of putting his hands on his hips.

The kid -- probably a second year, from the sound of the prepubescent squeak he made when noticing McCoy's presence-- looked up and froze, fingers shaking slightly on the lighter that he was holding.

McCoy stared.

And then stared at the cigarette perched on his lip.

And then the lighter.

And stared some more, making sure the kid had a good fop sweat before speaking.

"So you like cancer then?"

The boy shook his head, slowly.


Again, another headshake.

"Tuberculous? Heart failure? Elevated blood pressure?" McCoy did not blink.

The kid swallowed.

"Put that damn thing away before your lungs collapse and your lunch money's spent on tar," McCoy said flatly, going over and grabbing the cigarette before snapping it in half with a very, very measured look. "You think you're cool? Try being cool when you're hacking up blood. Or getting a girl to kiss you when your breath smells like an eighty year old man's armpit. And hey, if that doesn't work out for you there's always dying with purple skin in a seedy motel bathroom like some damn rock star." He batted the lighter out of his hand and pointed a solitary finger at him, "Don't make me come back here."

The boy exhaled, slowly.

"Yeah, get used to doing that when your lungs decide they think you're an idiot and your heart's beating like a firebolt." McCoy said finally, picking up his satchel and walking back to class with a sole shake of his head and a muttered, "Kids today."