Jun 02, 2005 23:13
everything is going to shit again, i'm sure those of you who hate me are thrilled to know my life is on a constant downhill route. well good for you. i need my baby to hold me and kiss me like he did tonight right before he went home, god that felt nice. i told my mom i refused to leave, and i wont, if she thinks i'm going to stay the nice stay-out-of-trouble kid i am now, shes got another thing coming, she'll get a jingle from the sheriff next door every fucking second, going to school? hahaha your joking, i'll drive my ass 4 hours down to naples to see my lover instead of going to school. i cant WAIT to leave, oh wait. i'm not. i want to stay with alyssa, but my parents said that i would be a burden on her family **sighs** i have to figure something else, i cant live without danny, i really cant.. and with me gone, some other girl will try to move in on my lover and try to woo him (oh ya shakespeare).. anyway, i'm exhausted, had quite a day.. OH! they got a super tiger retic at the shop, he's so fucking hot. **faints** i'm in love, (although my athena is so much hotter, whatever) anyway, work tomorrow, work saturday, then ill try to make some plans with jana for sun,mon,tues? hmm.. who knows. i'm free those days, **nudge** **nudge** alyssa, if you even bother reading this stupid thing anymore.. goodnight..