Jul 30, 2004 15:06
ok well i need to make this quick because Taylor is coming over as we speak but here:
the past few days were absolute hell
sure, disneyland was fun.
..i mean come on, it's disneyland.
but my company..well that's a different story.
i was absolutely revolted.
the girls were nothing i thought they were..
all they talked about was mainly
- having sex
- before and after sex
- shopping
- name brands
- crap music they play on kiis fm
- drinking
- clubbing
and out of the 48 hours i spent with them, roughly 8 of those hours were spent on their cell phones with their boyfriends.
please shoot me.
it was one of the worst experiences of my life and i never want to see those girls for as long as i live.
but that won't happen.
but hey, i can hope right?