(no subject)

May 11, 2010 23:08

In a couple months I'm moving into a new house right next door to my good friends Maf and Kaitlin, right down the road from my best friend* Abe, up the hill from another good friend Janeen, and upthehill acrossthestreet from our bar. So stoked brah.** It is a completely centralized location, biking distance from all I need and my entire crew is in proximity. It is going to be the Island version of friends (I'm Joey, Abe is Phoebe). My mood has been kind of crazy and all over the place lately, but things are actually wonderful. And this new living location is going to be so sweet. My own house, and a great garden, and working full time as a tour guide. Surfffffffing all the time. Finish learning about coffee and then maybe go to Chile and learn about wine? I don't know what the future holds, but I'm pretty sure I'm staying put Mauka Big Island for a bit. And never living in WA again. So you can all come visit me anyday.

*My best Hawaii friend. Nothing compares 2 u 2
**Um lately I actually talk like this. It creeps up on you. I'm almost kind of embarrassed over my current vocabulary, but not quite.
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