stupid people what else?

Mar 28, 2005 08:34

So for the past week i was in san deigo with my family it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be but that dosent mean it was good. there are some things you just cant do with your family. any way that dosnt exuse my not updating in about 9 months oh look im bored with posting already ill just finish this one it occured to me the other day that there is no reason for unhappiness in the world because there is always and im dead serious always something to grin about if you look hard enough i think people just like feeling sad which i understand... but if they like it shouldnt they still be happy? behold my non-sense 1 you can be happy becuse things are going good, this is ofcourse the easyest for most people but for some people good things make them sad so they should go ont o point two. 2 you can be happy because things are going not-so-good or even bad, this is a lil hareder for the avreage joe or jane but still simple there are two ways to do this one so bear with me the first and easyer is that theres a good chance you arnt at rock-bottom and if ur in the USA with our goddam stadered of living you arnt ur still a good 5 stories up feel as bad as you want then take away all your food cloths and shelter then cry to me. but my point is there are worse off peopel in the world so to feel better... make fun of them!!! now lets say you are at rock botom your in Iraq you havent had food in a week your mother fucked some dude so your father stoned her to death the americans make fun of you your dad is depressed that your mom is dead and all of your friends hate you. laugh at yourself caues thats fuckin funny you poor bastard.

im done for now its all goin back in the box
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