want respect? act like you deserve it. shape up man, youve got to loosen up, not take things so seriously. and for god sakes stop being the following : a hardass, prick, jackass, cuntling. im not trying to be rude with this, its just the truth. you dont know who this is but id take this advice.
that wasnt directed tword you at all but its odd that you thought it was, gulity concious? drop the danm issue because you are just as much in the wrong as i am even if youll never admit to it
nononononononononnonononononononononononononononotyap1May 9 2004, 22:12:04 UTC
actually this isnt who you think it is. for real im just the same anonymous person who has been running around this gay journal since you have started it just for fun. so ha, i win again :)
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