(no subject)

Oct 06, 2005 23:04

I got such a headache right now. Things just suck lately. Something went out on our furnace and it may sound weird, but it made our central air not work. The motor or something in it that circulated the cold air from the air conditioner broke, so instead of blowing cold air it was blowing warm air. It got so bad the day that I figured out something wasn't right, it got up to at least 90 degrees inside our house although it was like 75 outside. It took like a week after I contacted the landlord for someone to get out here to look at it and he said he would have to contact the landlord and tell him what was needed and just recommend a new furnace, yeah it was another week until he came back to put in the new furnace, that was Monday and it is still not done. He said he would come back the next day and it that wasn't going to work that he would come either the next or the next blah blah blah. So, he called Tuesday, but I had to be somewhere and get my car taken care of so I missed him and haven't heard from him since. The duct work that connects the furnace to the the vents isn't put in yet, so although it'll blow cool air into the house now, it's just not very efficient. I'm so frustrated with this, I probably should have just called someone on my own.

If you caught it, yes there is something wrong with our car. Our car thats only like 4 months old. We've been having problems with getting it to start and stay started. I let it slide for a couple weeks because I thought it was something that Brad was doing like not pushing the clutch in all the way or whatever, but it was doing it when I tried to drive it too, so ehh maybe my foot was slipping or I was letting up without really knowing. The problem was just getting worse for me, where it was taking minutes to start the car instead of seconds, and I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Tuesday was the earliest chance I had to take it in, since the guy came to put in our furnace on Monday and I just had to do it. Of course since Brad had just gotten home like a half hour before I left and the few things I did before it didn't take very long, so the car started with no problem when I took it to the dealer to look into it. However the took it seriously and didn't act like this girl has absolutely no clue what she's talking about and said they would give me a rental for 2 days free, anything after that I have to pay for, and keep my car and let it sit over night and try to start it tomorrow and run tests on it. Sure enough I'm not crazy there is something wrong with it and they had to order parts from Detroit to fixed it. Makes me a little worried for my car :( I should be able to get it back tomorrow morning though.

For school I'm taking a couple online classes and for some reason, the login thing for the school website is not working for me on my computer and so I have no way to do my work. I don't have time while I'm at school to use there computers, thats I'm doing them from home, and I don't see anyone else enough to get much done.

On a good note though, things with school other then that problem seem to be going good. I got a 82 and a 88 on my first 2 accounting tests. I got a 100% on my humanities quiz and an 88% on my mammoth of a test.

I need to try to get some cleaning done and get rid of this headache. Hope everyone is doing good.
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