May 11, 2005 14:51
Today was a yucky day. I was up literally the entire night with the stomach flu that has been going around. Personally, I blame Liz. I am so kidding! I love you, Liz! This is somthing I never want to have again. The nicest part was that I actually did all of my homework yesterday so that I didn't have any homework that I needed to be doing today! I still have tutoring though.... Oh well. I slept through what would be 5th period, woke up, went downstairs and have been watching TV since. I watched the end of Raising Helen (crappy movie) and then Bend it like Beckem (i know i spelled that wrong but I seriously don't care). Now I really like that movie. It is clevarly done. So yeah currently I am awaiting my friends to come home so I can talk to them because I missed you guys! I feel so nasty. I will leave since there is really nothing for me to talk about. Later. Love, Brenda