((OOC: Zelos found out he has the truth virus.
See, a while back, I established that Seles was told her mother killed Mylene out of spite, when she was really trying to kill Zelos. I don't remember why I established this, but I did. I think it was because Zelos didn't want her to suffer with that knowledge (d'aww ♥).
But thanks to the truth virus, Seles came to visit, and Zelos...kind of blurted out what really happened.
And um, Seles didn't take it too well.
And he's feeling pretty miserable because of it. :D
ToS muns? Do you think it's fair to say that Seles is out of the Abbey now? :O If not, I'll change it to Zelos going and visiting her. Or Tokunaga escorted her or something. <3))