[There is a deep drawn in gasp and then...] OHMYGODIFORGOTTOBREATHEFORFIVEMINUTES.
[This, this is the sound Vincent would make if he ever panicked. There's a few thuds and what is probably someone falling over after standing up far faster than they're used to, head spinning. They seem to stumble in to another room before there's a hiss of pain.]
Read more... )
It's because he -can't-, any more.
The chest cavity collapses, his lungs struggling to draw air--probably punctured, by this point. There's a weight on his chest, Chaos's hand, a weight that he just can't move--is he even moving? He doesn't know. He can't feel his fingers any more.
His vision's gone, the sounds of his rasping attempts for breath loud and harsh in his ears. He can't tell any more what hurts and what doesn't, because everything is a losing battle to stay conscious, to stay--
To stay alive. Ohh, yes, it's hit him in one fell swoop that this isn't a dream and he's dying, and Asuka doesn't want to die yet. He's not ready...!
But his hearing's going out, and his struggles have already ceased. Asuka's staring upwards, forcing himself to look right into Chaos's eyes--to look his death straight in the face--
And they lose the life within as Asuka finally steps the boundary to death.]
He would have to avoid the water on the stairs in his chase of the other two. The two who'd started all of this. The two who'd abandoned him to this.
He was banging down the stairs after them again, towel rod still in hand.]
At least in Reno's body, Vincent couldn't tell.]
But that was his body. His punishment, his nightmare, with Reno spread out through it, feeling every pulse and shift in scent and sound and light. He hoped whoever had just died hadn't been too horribly tainted--the last thing anyone needed was to feel their mouth water, to feel some draw of need and hunger when something near to them died.
He glanced up and back at Veld.]
Just a minute ago--you said something.
[His voice was strained through the neutrality now, his breath coming heavier as they ran down and down and down. Ten decks between theirs and the caves, all these stairs--Vincent had no idea the kind of endurance Reno's body had, but he hoped it was enough.]
What's pyramid?
Reno has a trick. He can trap someone in a pyramid.
[Veld jumps, skipping the last four steps before rounding the corner and using his other foot to push off against the wall. Nine more floors]
He learned it really quick. Body has an aptitude. You could try. But Chaos will have to hold still.
[If Veld could get it to talk to them, maybe? Distract something long enough for Vincent to hit it? They'd done that before. And there were so many floors to go]
Why is he worrying about this? Reno's body has a trick that might help them out, he needs to figure out how to use it.]
Is it inherent? Something he knows instinctively, or did he pick it up somewhere?
[He grabs hold the railing and used it to help him turn without losing too much momentum, taking steps two at a time.]
[seven more]
I can try. Getting him to hold still will be the difficult part.
I'll run ahead when we get to deck fifteen--the water will make him hesitate, at least for a moment.
[And Vincent has never been anything if not a quick caster.]
When he got to the caves, the level ground was a welcome thing below his feet. ]
He stopped as he thrashed his way through the too-small doors. There was water everywhere. The water had burned and itched and he hated it...
Didn't hate it enough to not keep going though.]
There's that instant of hesitation.
Vincent throws up both hands, feels the materia fastened to the chain around his neck charge--and that feels wrong. It isn't enough to make him balk, but this, something about Reno's body makes casting different. There's supposed to be some strain, some pull in his chest and the back of his head; even before the experiments that had been there.
But this? This feels like electricity running up from his core, something inside him charging instead of straining, strengthening instead of drawing.
Minerva, Reno is special.
Vincent all but shouts a word in Cetrain, trigger for the spell charging around his neck, and hopes to all the gods he knows that this works.]
He threw himself against the barrier, even if somewhere in his lost mind he knew it wouldn't work. Pyramid couldn't be broken from the-- was that a crack? A tiny, hairline crack in the yellow expanse surrounding him?
He was... confused. That wasn't supposed to happen.]
What was that?
He'll have to ask Reno about it later. Definitely. Presently, he turns toward Veld, moving in closer, slanting glances toward the shimmering gold triangle encasing the monster Lucrecia planted in his body. He's breathing heavily, close to panting, strands of brilliant red plastered to his forehead by sweat.]
How long will that hold?
It is taking far too long for his liking.]
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