May 07, 2010 10:22
I'll tell ya, springs in full run here in NH. The weather has been really nice. Mild and not a lot of rain, just enough to bring out the grass, flowers, trees, allergies, etc...
I've actually got out and played golf many times already, starting way back in March. That's not typical, usually we don't get started until April.
My wife had started a program locally to run in a 5k race. They've been out training by first walking, then jogging and running. She's doing really well and looking good!
My daughter runs a lot now as well.
All the activity has made me get off my lazy ass and get out walking. I walk 2 to 4 miles a day now. My knees are killing me, but they're slowly getting better. I have to keep moving or I won't be able to keep up with my family!
We have nice evenings together watching TV and icing various body parts.
My wife and I also went out and bought bikes last night. Now we can add that to our exercise repertoire.
Golf, walking, biking...what's up with me?