[ patience. that's what obi-wan would suggest in a situation like this. patience. but, patience was something that anakin skywalker had never been very fond of or good at and now certainly wasn't helping him get any better at it. if anything, it was making his impatience worse. this place was a brick wall, an impenetrable wall the jedi general
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Not always easy, but usually worth it [is his distracted reply]
Depends on the worth. Everyone has their limits. [ a huff of a sigh. ] Even me.
And yeah, everyone does. What's pushing you to yours?
[ only he does, but anyone who would be qualified to give him any sort of worthy advice is back home in a galaxy he's currently unable to reach. ]
I'm feeling telepathically drawn to something I shouldn't.
Did it start just this week, or has it been like this for a while?
[ is his answer, despite the fact that he knows the man is asking about the pull of the dark side and not his hyperawareness. ]
So it's drawing you to do something.
...like an addiction would?
In a way, but more like a constant threat that's always there. For everyone. A threat that's always appealing. It's just...more appealing right now.
...Yeah. I have that too. Probably not from the same cause, though. And possibly not the same result if I give in to it.
What's the trigger for you?
[ trigger? that was difficult to explain, as was everything about what he was and what he could do. back home, force sensitive was a term people understood. here, he had to say he was telepathic, telekinetic, hyperaware... and even then, that really didn't cover it. ]
This place. Restlessness. Not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
You're frustrated, probably angry, and they don't make it any where near possible for us to get our hands on them. Right?
What that is, though? Is your call.
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