New Year Resolutions

Jan 13, 2011 14:54

1. I will become more confident in myself. I don't have any idea how to make that happen.

2. I will become healthy. If this means losing weight, then losing weight. If this means exercising more, then exercising. If this means eating right, then eating right. Signs I'm healthy include clearer skin, able to make it up stairs and not be out of breath, and being able to run a mile.

3. Be able to take both criticisms and compliments with humility and understanding, not to be embarrassed or take it personally (well, compliments I can take personally!).

4. Only eat out/get take out once a month. That's it; no more.

5. Pay back Tiffany.

6. Write. At least 50,000 words this year.

7. Become involved with something; a club, a group, a bunch of friends. Something so I get out more.

8. Live alone.

9. See a therapist and get over this need to find a male figure in my life and please him.

10. Read at least one classical novel.

promises, new year, life

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