Nov 13, 2030 04:09

Dear Yulegoat,

I'm going to assume that, through the whole Yuletide matching process, you already know about the fandom you've agreed to write. So, to spare my time and yours, I'm going to skip the run-downs of the individual canons and get to the actual letter part.

Request 1: Hot Fuzz

I'm not entirely sure what drew me to Nicholas and Janine as a couple, especially considering that they're doomed to fail, even without canon dictating this. I totally don't mind if you bring in other characters from the film, or when/where it's set. Really, I just want to see these two interacting, since it almost never happens. I'll leave the individual character interpretations open to how you see them, because even though I have my own ideas about them, I find it far more entertaining to see what aspects other people tend to latch onto.

Request 2: Hitchhiker's Guide

My main 'want' in this is Arthur and Fenchurch. Although I requested Ford be present as well, I don't ship him with Arthur. It's not that it bothers me, but more that I just don't see it (and, depending on which continuity you choose to follow, TVTropes' label of heterosexual life partners doesn't really fit, considering how much time they spend ignoring and cursing one another).

Speaking of continuities, pick your favourite. Pick and choose, if you want. Hell, make up your own details. My favourite Guidefics are those that acknowledge the complete lack of a coherent continuity between the various versions.

Anyway, back to the thing. Really, the only thing I really, deeply care about with this one is the Arthur/Fenchurch aspect. The Ford idea is optional, so if you can't fit it in, don't worry.

Request 3: Black Books

This was my utter crack request, but if you got matched based on this one and you can't handle the crack, that's fine too.

The crack part of the request, if you're familiar with Spaced, is that I would love to see Bernard Black and Marsha Klein on a date. They are perfect for one another, and I dare you to deny it.

If you're not familiar with Spaced, then feel free to completely and totally ignore the bit about Marsha (though, I would recommend hunting it down on YouTube just for your own enjoyment, because it is amazing). I don't usually ship Bernard with anybody (except for alcoholic landladies, apparently), so anything fitting in with the theme of the show is just fine by me. I provided a small little plotbunny in my sign-up, but you are more than free to ignore it if you think of something better.

I'm fairly easy to please with these sorts of things. The optional details, as specified on the sign-up, are totally optional, and I'll be able to enjoy the story more, knowing that you enjoyed writing it. Really, the only universal that I didn't specify in the sign-up, but I will specify here is that I'm not looking for anything explicit in any of these.

Happy Yuletide!

yulegoat letter

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