Jun 14, 2005 12:07
duncan smith is the one of the biggest jerk i know. he's such an asshole. he tells all his friends about all of his girl's personal life like bra sizes etc. he also rapes his girls. he'd do anything for pussy, like tell a girl some of the best lies she's heard in her entire life. he thinks he's cool cuz he is a drummer and is in a band but he's not. do not let him fool you. don't ever get involved with duncan smith. he hangs out with 7th graders which include his brother because he has no friends of his own. i regret all relations i've had with this boy.
colin smith is the shortest person i know. EVEN SHORTER THAN ME. he has no personality and does what josh does because he thinks it's cool. he's a crowd follower. he wears eyeliner because dressing up in drag is one of his favorite things to do. he's kissed two boys now. and still is convinced that he's not gay. well colin, i think we all know something you don't know. he is also ashamed of himself because he knows that the band would be just fine with out him. yeah well ya know what colin if you quit the band no one would probably even notice and if they did notice they wouldn't care. he also thinks it's cool cuz he is in a band but he's not. the band consists of his own brother.
emily turnage is a dykey lesbian. she thinks she's cool and pimping cuz she's in a band with all boys but all of those boys are ugly and younger than her. she's had a crush on a 7th grader before and she is a junior. rumor has it that she's kissed him. it figures because that boy looks like a girl anyways and girls turn her on. that's why she listens to all that lesbian rock music. she has a horrible sense of humor and tells everyone all these bad jokes that she finds hilarious so everyone has to pretend to laugh at them but they really think it's the stupidest joke they've heard in their entire life. emily turnage also dates ugly posers.
josh brown is really gay. he gets his hair done monthly highlighted and styled just the way he likes it. when he grows up he would love to be a model and make out with guys for a living. he's already got that second part down though. he's kissed colin and spent the night at colin's house. he is really a poser at heart and just fakes his way through life. he lies and tells everyone that he's done alot of drugs and had alot of sex but he's never done drugs and all the sex he's had has been with a guy up the ass, just the way he likes it. because josh always gets his way. he thinks he's king of the world and that every girl is in love with him and thinks he's hot shit. they are really just looking at you because they can't tell if you're wearing lip gloss are not. you cross dresser. you make out with fat ugly chicks who have unaturally colored hair. oh yeah- their dye jobs are really bad.