Sep 26, 2003 17:53
Yeah there's a football game tonight. Im not sure if it's at home. No one made a big deal about it so Im not sure. But go greyhounds non the less.
I can't go to jennifers party tonight and that makes me very sad becasue I really wanted to go. Im sure no one else really wanted me to go and Id be the off man out. But ah well. I wanted to be there =( HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU! lol. Yeah..not like that...well you know what I mean!!!!! lol
Well, I didn't update yesterday and it was a very eventful day yesterday. So I think that I shall update for yesterday now and then update for today.
Yesterday wasa really great day. It was bleh beasue i got my ass kicked by my chem test. It was hard. And very confusing. Indeed indeed. Well, then the day before, Dr. Stowers (our principal), came into the FCCLA meeting and was all we need volunteers to help sell consessions tomorrow becasue clakr howard is coming. So, me and emma nad nathalie volunteered becasue no one else did. Well, if we would have gone home on the bus, we would have only had like 30 minutes at home before we had to be back. So. We just stayed after. We got to wheel around a big trashcan and pick up trash from the halls. And we got to clean the bathrooms. Like pick up everything from the floros and crap. The guys bathrooms are horrendous. And they smell. Ungodly horrendous stench man. Well after that, we set up the consession in the cafeteria, and we sold them. We got anything we wanted. Pizza, candy, drinks, my my was it grand. Well, then they had me and nathalie tkae the pizza that was left over out to the football game that the froshes were playing to sell at those consssions. So we did and as we were leacing we saw jason and his friend coming in. We stopped and talked to them for a bit. And then when we got back into the caf. we were telling emma about how we talked ot thm and so on and so forth Then one of the moms that was helping us with conssessions was like wich jason?? and all this shtuff. Turns out she was the mother of the freshman that jason is dating. Now. She was unaware that they were *dating* she just though that he was a friendly friend. Seeing as how caroline isnt allowed to date this proposed a problem. I told her that they were dating but she wasnt mad. She was just all *oh* And I said all this good shtuff about jason and what not. He owes me so big. But I told him today that she isnt allowed to date because I thought that he knew and he definantly DIDNT. So yeah. Now we know the OTHER reason why he can't drive her to school. Hmmm.
Before that, Lit was great. We finished up preperations for our skit in 4th period. It was grand. Ryan tryed out for step team and made it. Dear lord. It was so grand. Umms we played hackysack too. thats always fun. Yeah. thats about it for yesterday. Atleast thats all I remember. Oh. I came home around 7:45-ish and then babysat. And I had barelty ANY homework so I just didnt bother. It was all wonderful.
Today...was ok. Ratehr fun in 4th period. we did our skit. And we were *crunk* at the end. Ghettoish that is. It was hiarious!! Rhiannon kept asking what crunk was...dear me it was great. Then page and I did the afternoon announcements and that went really well so yeah. :)
Speach today was ok. Nothing too entirely special. We did a contest for persuasion and shtuff. I still think we should have won. They only won becasue lauren went out into the audience and sat on dylans lap and put her scarf around him. So h was all I LIKE PINK JOLY RANCHER LOLLIPOPS! (see we were disuading other kinda of lollipops and persuading our own and he was....grape I think? Yeah..his mind got changed very easily...)
I got a hug from brock. It was so grand. Mwahah I had forgotton about it until now. My my my. I heard him talking about how he wishes he could find that *special someone* SO we know that he is single. mwaaha,. :-D hes so grand. jason and alex reffered to him as a *scikly child* becasue he's really thin and what not. but itso k. He's still a cutie batottie. indeed indeed.
I have a shit load of homework. I need to go run this weekend. I think I shall. I need to see how far I can without stopping. Indeed. Perhaps the ragweed count wont be so high. If it is then there is NO way I can. I will have serious sinus problems and probly end up in the damn hospital from not being able to breathe.
I hope adam's ok..he had to have his doggy put to sleep today.. . =(
DAMN IT! FSU VS DUKE ISNT ON TV! Its on PPV but my mommy dosent wanna pay to watch it. hmph.
My mom is watching Dr. Phil. He's a crack head. *nods*
I wanna win the lottery. I wanna be able to buy my family a descent car. I wanna be able to pay the bills. I wanna be able to buy things for school when I need them. *sigh* Keep dreaming shauna. Youll just have to change things when you get older :)
Alright. Im off. This is long enough I suppose.