May 21, 2003 22:06
It's amazing how fast time flys..
Really. I mean, it feels like we just went in for freshman orientation...Like volleyball season just started.
I look back on it now, and I dont think I would change a thing. I have learned a lot this year. Not just academicly, but a lot about life.
Ive learned that its not worth the time being pissed of fat someone. That it only creates more stress, and eats you up inside--just move on and let it flow ^_^
Ive learned a lot more but dont feel like writing it so that will be in an entry on friday night when I dont have a lot to do.
But yeah.
Only two more days.
Well one since both days are half days.
My plan is to come home, get started on studying..and then sleep. GOD I need sleep lol.
Tomorrow is DEFINANTLY going to be a pajama day. One bonus of Finals lol. Finals..sucha scary word.
I think im just ready for it to be over with though..ready to be a sophmore. Readyto be 16..ready to move on.
Its been a very growing year for me. And I dont think that I coudl have made it any betterthen what I did or any worse then I did..
hmm thoughts for another day I suppose.
But now I must return to my wonderful books. later my people
good luck on finals tomorrow ^_^