Dear me, has it been that long?

Mar 30, 2003 15:34

Well howdy...
Im in my new house :-D
Moving is a bitch--and if anyone tells you that it isnt...they are lieing through their ass. everything in the past 4 or so days in a nice short version...
Thursday: We had to tell the movers to leave becayuse they were BSing my mom and moved the price up to over $700 to move us, and with the insurance if they break any of our stuff, it would have been over $1,000. And since my bro was in the *business* lol of moving, he was like thats complete bullshit..Sooo we told them to leave, we rented a 24 foot truck and my bro went and got two of his ftriends to help us move--my mom had to go to the ew house, and my dad had to go to work. So YES shauna had to fucking move shit. It wasnt fun. At all. Im too young to have back pain...>_< So yeah..that was a tiring day.

Friday: Sore as fuck. Had to start getting unpacked. Made several trips over to the old place to get stuff we didnt put on the truck. That was about it for that day.

Saturday: Lets just say that this WASNT the best day...The landlord refused to sign our paper saying that she did a walkthrew and that everythign was clean and fixed and what not...Soooo we didnt hand over the keys..and she left..and now its jsut a big mess. Stupid bitch. Yeah. And then we came back around 3:00PM or so...and put together the kitchen and most of the living room. We had to fry our steaks though becasue the grill wouldnt light because of the birckets got racked ad moved around and shit when we moved it. They wernt bad..but grilled steaks are the bestest yo.

Sunday: Got all my boxes unpacked and everything in my room pretty much done...though I have no dresser so I still have a couple boxes of mom was going to get me one of those things with the drawers but its notr a dresser..but LOWES didnt have them like we thought they did. Oh well. *shrug*

yeah and so nothing else is up I guess...School tomorrow :-D
Emma drewed me maps so I wont get lost. Though If I have a room number im A-OK.
Im tired. And I still have stuff to do. So Im leaving now. Goodbye ^_^
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