I told myself I wouldnt write about this...

Mar 22, 2003 23:38

But I have to.
It makes me litterally sick to my stomach watching the news.
Not just because of the war coverage that goes on ALL fucking day, but because of the war protesters. I can COMPLETELY understand wy you could protest the war.
But the way these people are goin about it is insane.
I mean what kind of peace are you promoting, when police men, firefighters and what not hae to waist their time controling crowds with tear gas, arrests, and things to that extent, because they are acting like two years old. I mean, these people are distructing property, setting fire to building....God, what type of *peace* is this promoting? Dont you think that the armed ofreces have ENOUGH to worry about right now?
I mean I have several friends who are against the war--and that is fine. I mean, Im not going to say that their opinion is wrong, or that their opinion sucks or w/e. It's their opinion and they are entitled t o it. But these people who are going out and acting like fucking two year olds is pissing me off.
For those peace protesters, I have two questions:

1.)What type of peace are you promoting, by acting like a two year old.
2.)What do you propose inplace of war, that we havent tried in the past 12 years.

I mean, I completely respect the opinion of others who are against the war--except if they havent looked up onm it themselves. If they only go by what they hear--then I get a tad agitated, bcasue they go on the opinion of others and not what they should aquire by themselves. But I mean DAMN people. They are looking at this, as if it were ietnam--different situation, different entirely. But thats the state of the world.
I am sad that it had to come down to the war, dont get me wrong. But I just feel that after twelve years of peace and trying to settle all of this peacefully....that it's time that that sick bastard of a man was put out of power. I think its highly selfish to not want the same democracy for others that you have.

A word for those of you who think that we are bombing innocent Iragi people:
1.)The US has brodcasted warnings over the Iragi television and radio stations telling them to leave the country and or to take cover. We have sent food, water, and supplies os that they CAN leave. If they havnt by now...well, Im not saying they deserve to die, but they were warned.
2.)The bombs are not being targeted to areas where the Iraqi people live. Thye are being targeted toawrds governemtn buildings and/or place where the intelligence people have said that saddam is thought to be.

So there you have it folks. Dont like what I haveto say? Thats fine, I dont expect you to. Your entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. Thats one of the benifits of America. ^_^
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