Time floats by as if waiting to be caught & held onto, but no one can hold the air, not even the sky

Jan 20, 2008 23:44

Well I know I don't use this thing too much anymore, and even though it use to be the center of recording my life, those times are pretty much gone. I guess Facebook sort of replaced most of these types of sites by creating a world where we can track one another's moves minute by minute, event by event, friend added by friend added, if necessary. However for reflection purposes sometimes it's pretty useful.

Right now it is January of my senior year of college. Life is pretty exciting, scary, and uncertain and there is a shadow of graduation held over our heads-just out of reach. In times like this, especially after exceptional weekends such as this, I fumble to calculate how on earth I am going to move forward without all of these people, their smiles, their support and their love. I even have to look backward, remind myself that I did all this before, take a breath, and keep moving until time skips over to May again as if it were just next weekend. And most importantly, I smile reading reflections, such as the one below, and know I will be happy again very very soon.

"Today is the monday where we are without a label. and it's so ambiguous when one isn't told what they are. we're not seniors. we're not alumni. For now we're the name on all those shinning silver stars that spread the length of the bleachers. we're ourselves, and we're just beginning to find out who that is.

it's amazing to go to these events. their part of the few occasions that for many of us we're seeing each other not in the standard blue and khaki uniform. we all look very different, with different styles, different colors and bright faces. we look happy. we are happy. even if it means goodbye, we are happy." - Me, This Journal - circa May, 24th 2004
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