OOC: Log

Nov 11, 2008 18:18

OOC: Log - Kyouya & Tamaki

Tamaki is bored and Kyouya suggests The Quiet Game. Tamaki torture ensues. Rated I for I don't even know how Kyouya puts up with Tamaki.

Tamaki: *walks into the room as if it was his own* Kyouya~? *opens the door wide, and walks over to his friend, smiling* I'm here now!

Kyouya: *was just coming out of his bathroom, rubbing a towel through his hair and not even twitching at Tamaki's annoying entrance* Didn't I say to give me some time for a shower?

Tamaki: *is unfazed by Kyouya's appearance* *finds a chair to sit comfortably on* Oh, I must have missed that. *looks at him eagerly* So, how do we play?

Kyouya: *pulls his towel off his head and reaches for his pants* The quiet game? I thought it was self explanatory. *one leg then the other~ lets them sit comfortably around his hips* Sit there and be quite.

Tamaki: *looks away due to respect for decency* *pouts* That sounds boring! I was under the impression you would make it more interesting.

Kyouya: *takes his towel in hand once again as he reaches for his glasses on his bedside table* Fine. You have to be quiet but I can talk as much as I please.

Tamaki: *keeps on whining* That's not fun for me, Kyouyaaaaaaaaaaa...

Kyouya: *smiling to himself bemusedly as he puts his glasses on* But it's fun for me. By the way, there's a penalty for every time you make a noise. *turns and begins walking back to the bathroom* Game starts now.

Tamaki: *is about to say something* *but then thinks that Kyouya's penalties might be something big enough to fear* *bites his lips, impatiently waiting for Kyouya to at least say something and keep him entertained*

Kyouya: *comes out of the bathroom briefly, a toothbrush hanging from his mouth, and walks right past Tamaki without a word* *starts digging around in a drawer for something before pulling out a bottle and walking right past again*

Tamaki: *his pretty small patience runs out* *follows Kyouya to the bathroom, and linger behinds him, his face reflected on the mirror, with eyes that clearly say "I'M BORED"*

Kyouya: *notices his presence immediately but pays him no mind* *finishes brushing his teeth and washing his face before patting his skin dry and finally looking at him in the mirror* Don't look at me like that. You're the one who wanted to play a game.

Tamaki: *keeps up with the eyes* *would make a sound if he could*

Kyouya: *sighs helplessly as he walks past him and back into the room* You've already lasted much longer than I expected you to for this first round though, I'll give you that.

Tamaki: *follows eagerly* *is so glad to get compliment from Mommy* *waits for more conversation*

Kyouya: *takes a seat in the chair Tamaki was just in and crosses his legs* *folds his arms over his chest and looks him in the eye*

Tamaki: *sits down on the bed, sitting like an indian* *looks back at him for a while* ... *starts to get bored really fast* *starts pouting*

Kyouya: *feels the corners of his mouth tug up into a small smirk* You really can't do much in your situation, can you?

Tamaki: *shakes head* *somewhat bored* *starts going away in a fantasy world* *Haruhi is making him dinner in it* *and she's wearing a cute apron~*

Kyouya: *eyes narrow as he coolly pops his little dream bubble* How about I make it a little more challenging then?

Tamaki: *b-but Haruhi had just offered him a bath...!* *gets over it, sort of* *nods, confident* *he has clearly already won*

Kyouya: *pushes up his glasses* All you have to do is answer yes or no. But remember, you cannot speak.

Tamaki: *moves his hand in a 'get on with it' kinda way* *thinks this will be the easiest victory over Mommy ever*

Kyouya: *wastes no time in making him uncomfortable* Do you still have the tape from Halloween?

Tamaki: *and it takes not time for him to lose his confidence* *chokes on air* *bites his lip a bit* *nods, looking elsewhere*

Kyouya: And do you watch it often?

Tamaki: *is about to stutter when he is able to control himself* *makes a face* *nods again, though he would explain how it was only RECENTLY if he could*

Kyouya: *is already beyond amused* You didn't keep it just for safe keeping, did you?

Tamaki: *is beyond mortified and seriously considering quitting this game* *really wishing he could speak, this whole quiet thing doesn't work for him* *shakes head*

Kyouya: *leans back in his chair, his arm resting on the armrest with his chin in his hand* I didn't think so. I can only assume that means you kept that tape because you liked it.


Kyouya: *gracefully lifts an eyebrow* Oh?

Tamaki: *starts to gesticulate wildly* *his arms are all over the place, making random movements* *there is a whole explanation about "investigation" that might humanly impossible to catch*

Kyouya: *watches his entire explanation but all he sees is flail flail flail* Uh huh... Well, this is quite a drawback. Someone's with holding information here.

Tamaki: *shakes head vigorously* *tries to point to himself and explain that he is being completely honest, but it just looks as if he is doing crosses on the air all over*

Kyouya: *once again, only sees flail flail flail* You claim you didn't enjoy it yet you were so willing to try it with customers.

Tamaki: *is honestly getting frustrated with the lack of speaking* *points at Kyouya, with an "IT'S YOUR FAULT" expression on his face*

Kyouya: *ignores his finger* Are you blaming me?

Tamaki: *nods head vigorously*

Kyouya: So you're saying it was my fault you liked it? *is just being a pain in the ass now*

Tamaki: *torn between nodding at "his fault" and shaking his head at "liked it"* *just decides to go with both, once again, flailing his arms around, TRYING to reach out*

Kyouya: *lifts an eyebrow at his flailing before standing and making his way toward his bed* *flops down before shoving Tamaki off with his foot* You've done well for an idiot. *leans back against the headboard, hands behind his head* I'll give you this round. You may speak.

Tamaki: *he will regret that in a second* KYOUYAAAAA!! You are misunderstanding! I just took that tape for investigation and nothing else! And I've just kept it because I thought it would be important to keep it away form certain other people who might assume wrongly when they watch it. Regardless of all that -Mommy, I don't really like this game! *says this all in one breath*

Kyouya: *knew that was coming* *is relatively unfazed* And exactly what is it that you are investigating, Tamaki?

Tamaki: *is more than a little off-put by the question* What was I...? Well, of course, hosting techniques! I was... trying to discover the positive benefits from vampire cosplay, of course. *thinks it sounds credible enough*

Kyouya: We've already had a discussion on the vampire cosplay.

Tamaki: *had completely forgot about that* O-Oh. I thought I should see for myself anyway! *has already climbed back to the bed, comfortably flailing all over and making the mattress bounce* And I must say, Kyouya, we should at least have a pair of vampires during each Halloween!

Kyouya: *is bouncing with his bed as Tamaki flails and fails* *is not buying a single word* And why is that?

Tamaki: *thinks he is!* *encouraged* Because it is the excitement of a forbidden love with the open attitude of the supernatural! Of course vampires would not care about such boundaries, and that careless attitude would make hundreds of hearts flutter! *gets into it* Of course, the natural candidates would be those twins, but we could have some variation! And after all, their love is forbidden enough without the need of extra elements.

Kyouya: *Sees him talking, but all he hears is blah blah blah* Uh huh...so then who would it be then?

Tamaki: *considers* Well, the other option would be Mori-senpai and Hani-senpai, but I am unsure if that would appeal to our costumers. After all, Hani-senpai's attribute may not lend itself well to seductive situations. *is in deep thought for a bit* *comes with SUDDEN SOLUTION* You and Mori-senpai should team up!

Kyouya: *looks at him for a few silent moment, very much unamused before closing his eyes and lowering his head* Though I refuse to be a vampire three years in a row, I suppose if Mori-senpai were my partner, I wouldn't mind so much.

Tamaki: .. *isn't sure he likes the implications of that last comment* You wouldn't? Well, Mori-senpai could pull off a vampire very well...

Kyouya: I agree wholeheartedly. I feel I would be able to work very well with a man of his attributes.

Tamaki: Really? Well, I suppose he could be ONE option, although Mori-senpai without his "cute object" might be TOO much on our costumers... *in the back of his mind, this is never happening* We could look at other possible matches. *of course, Haruhi is excluded.

Kyouya: *is smirking on the inside* You're the one who suggested Mori-senpai in the first place.

Tamaki: I...hadn't thought it through! And I'm sure Hani-senpai would be sad if he was away from Mori-senpai.

Kyouya: *peels one eye open to look at him* Then who else who else would you suggest? There are only so many people in the club, Tamaki.

Tamaki: *opens and closes his mouth* *frowns, seemingly in deep thought* *stays quiet for the record time of a minute* Well, since Haruhi is out of the question, I suppose you and I could pair up...

Kyouya: Oh? *closes his eye again, this time not even bothering hiding his all knowing smirk* I thought you didn't like me using my techniques on you.

Tamaki: I don't detest it! *recoils in fake indignation anyway* And if there is no one else, then I must take the responsibility. I am the King, after all!

Kyouya: If that's the case then why don't you team up with one of the twins.

Tamaki: *considers this possibility for a moment* The twins would not work! If I teamed up with Hikaru, he would insist on being the one in control -and where in the world have you heard of the Prince type being the submissive one? *laughs as if this was completely ridiculous* The other option is Kaoru, but then I would just be imitating Hikaru -and where is the fun in that? Non, the twins wouldn't work.

Kyouya: *stretches out his legs and crosses them at the ankle* Then one of our senpai...

Tamaki: Hani-senpai would not work! And although Mori-senpai is an option, I do believe we would have the same issue you would have. *suddenly notices* And before you mention it, Haruhi is out of the question!

Kyouya: Of course. I couldn't imagine Haruhi having the enthusiasm for it. Though, I had no issues with Mori-senpai.

Tamaki: I'm sure Hani-senapai would! *considers the matter settled* So, if we were to do this act, it would have to be the two of us.

Kyouya: Do you enjoy circular conversation, Tamaki?

Tamaki: Circular conversation, Mommy? Why, I have no idea what you mean!

Kyouya: *tilts his head in a helpless manner* *...or as helpless as Kyouya can manage* You keep bringing up old points that have already been discussed.

Tamaki: *doesn't notice* That's because you keep asking me about the video! *has his own selfish problem*

Kyouya: I haven't brought up that video for the past ten minutes nor I have I mentioned it since I've noticed it missing.

Tamaki: Wh-... ... ... ... *is quiet for a second* *until* It is not my fault if both conversations seem to be related! Kyouya, accept responsibility!

Kyouya: *was expecting something much more long winded than that* There is no responsibility I need to accept. I was not the one who took a tape under false pretense. As for what may be on the tape, I never shunned responsibility. I am aware of exactly what I did but I do not regret anything.

Tamaki: *is left with his mouth open, gawking* *realizes, for the first time, that he has been thoroughly owned* *decides to sulk in the corner of the bed* *wonders what he meant by that last bit but is too busy sulking now*

Kyouya: *is teh winnar!* *again* With the way you are now, you'd think you'd enjoy something like the quiet game.

Tamaki: *pouts at Kyouya from his corner* I do not want to play that game again. I'll find another commoner game for us!

Kyouya: *Is used to that pout and pays it no real mind* You should consider yourself lucky. I had other, more challenging, thoughts in mind for that game.

Tamaki: *is now curious* Really? *moves closer* Like what?

Kyouya: *looks Tamaki dead in the eye* Are you sure you want to know?

Tamaki: *is horribly intimidated* *takes a couple of steps back* *every fiber of his being is telling him to say "NON, I'M NOT, THAT'S ALRIGHT, I'D RATHER NOT KNOW"* *except, of course, for his curiosity* Y-Yes!

Kyouya: *leans forward slightly, lifting himself off the headboard* Alright, but I don't what to hear any of your crap about it later. *continues forward, closing the gap between Tamaki and himself*

Tamaki: Eh? *leans back slightly as Kyouya leans forward, trying to keep that distance* *is completely flabbergasted*

Kyouya: *halts and narrows his eyes slightly* Hm. I was going to try my technique without the fangs.

Tamaki: O-oh? You were? *frozen half-way through* Does it make a difference if you're not wearing them? *stalls*

Kyouya: *lowers his voice* Would you like to find out?

Tamaki: *gawks with all his might* *might be a second away from ROBOT MODE or not, who knows* *doesn't say absolutely anything* *face heats up, of course*

Kyouya: *goes from serious mode to that smile he gets when he smells merits nearby* Ah, but of course, you don't like that kind of thing. Which is why I had it in mind to make you lose the game. I could have used a slave for a month or so.

Tamaki: *Is blushing profusely, even when the seriousness stops* *because he is still close by* *would like, for the most part, his personal space back* I...I did not lose! So you can't punish me! *whether he realizes he is pointing out the obvious or not, it's hard to tell*

Kyouya: *leans back lifting an eyebrow at Tamaki* Yes, I know that. But do you think you could have had I tried my tactic?

Tamaki: *regains some balance* *is back to pouting* *it seems to be a bad habit now* It would have been cheating!

Kyouya: *rests his back against the headboard once more* You wanted a challenge.

Tamaki: *no, he wanted something he could win easily* *clearly didn't happen* *mutters from his corner of the bed* But it's not a challenge if you're cheating!

Kyouya: *reaches for a book on the bedside table* *is a world renowned multitasker* *...yes, dealing with Tamaki is a task* There is no point to your argument as you've already won.

Tamaki: *pouts a bit more* *sees he is being ignored over a book* *gets closer* What are you reading?

Kyouya: *doesn't look up* A book.

Tamaki: *Scoots closer* What book?

Kyouya: As you can clearly see from the cover... *holds book up between their faces* ...I'm reading The Prince by Machiavelli.

Tamaki: Oh, that is one of my favorite books! Why, my favorite scene is when the fox explains to him about becoming friends... It is such a touching book! *clearly moved*

Kyouya: *once again does not bother taking his eyes from the page* There is no fox in this book, Tamaki.

Tamaki: What are you talking about, Kyouya? There's a fox, and a snake, and a little planet! *tries to peak in to see the illustrations*

Kyouya: *reaches under his bed for something* *pats around on the ground before his fingers graze what he's looking for* *pulls out another book labeled "Fairy Tales"* Perhaps you'd be better off indulging yourself with this.

Tamaki: *grabs the book eagerly and skims over the pages* Ah, it's in French~! *starts reading Rapunzel's story*

Kyouya: Maybe that will shut you up for a while. *goes back to his book*

Tamaki: *reads quietly for about five minutes* Mommy! I found our next cosplay!

Kyouya: *damn* What is it?

Tamaki: A set of fairy tale princes! *gets inspired and starts to flounce all around the bed* We can have a set of dwarfs, and apples, and towers... And of course, Haruhi will be the princess!

Kyouya: *closes his book, careful to keep is finger on his page* A set of dwarfs might not be politically correct, Tamaki.

Tamaki: Little boys, then! We could make it a special event, and have them bring food around the Club Room. *is already into thinking mode* Oh, we could make it a Christmas special! Isn't that exciting, Mommy?

Kyouya: *has already gotten back to his book* Talk dream talk in your dreams.

Tamaki: Pardon? It is NOT dream talk! *shakes Kyouya annoyingly*

Kyouya: *is shook annoyingly* *does not appreciate it* *slaps his book closed before making Tamaki practically eat it*

Tamaki: *i-it hurts* *whines*

Kyouya: *removes his book* Please refrain from shaking me.

Tamaki: Y-yes. Forgive me... *Kyouya as a Demon is giving him chills* *stays quiet for a while* *is actually getting tired now* *it's like, what. 3 am*

Kyouya: *ignores and simply goes back to his book* *is oblivious to Tamaki's presence*

Tamaki: *is getting bored* *not willing to risk annoying Kyouya again* *does the puppy eye look*

Kyouya: *clears throat and continues reading*

Tamaki: *is ignored* *is too tired to press the matter* *does a hmpfh! noise, and leans on the bed as well* *within a few minutes, he is asleep*

Kyouya: *was so caught up in not noticing Tamaki that he doesn't realize the time or that the fool is already asleep beside him* .... *closes his book and places it on the table* *takes off his glasses and places them on top of the book* *turns off the light and looks at Tamaki in the dark for a moment before his foot finds Tamaki's back and kicks him to the floor* Good night, you idiot. *pulls his blanket over him and falls asleep* *there will be dire consequences in the morning if Tamaki wakes him before he's ready to awaken*

Tamaki: *will wake up in an hour or so and run out of the room*

-- End --


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