Dec 26, 2009 21:10
Hey! Crew! We've landed. Looks like we got the hell outta there before the authorities caught on to the fact that the captain's ship was still in port.
We still got the issue of him being in prison, of course. But at least here we can do a little planning without them jumping down our throats.
[filtered to officers, strategists, and Pip]
I still haven't heard anything about what they're planning to do with the captain. I think we gotta start planning for a breakout. Who knows what they'll do to him if we don't get there first?
[a pause, as though he had been intending to shut the journal but was distracted.] ...Hey, this don't look like our usual port. What the hell part of the city are we in, anyway?
[OOC: dammit computer do not delete the things i type. ANYWAY. As mentioned in Krystal's post, we're assuming a week's time overlap between the Fiertia's arrival and the Way's departure in Garrettstown. If you plan to get your character involved in shenanigans on the Way, this is the time to do it! The ships won't officially be hooking up, but if you've got contacts on the Way, go ahead and log what you need to.]