Feb 06, 2005 18:08

OMG this weekend was sooooo much fun! it was the best birthday present!! ok first... ill give u the in a nut shell version! lol ok first i went to jennys house and her me and brit went to demenicos for diner ! and they paid for it for my birthday got back to her house and they got me a cake!! so we had some cake then we went to see boogey man!! omg i was soooo scared lol i was screamin and everything lol so yea then we went back to her house and then my dad came and picked me and brit up and i went to brits house and spent the night! it was soooo much fun!!! cole came over and me bruce brit and cole were jumpin on the trampolene until 12:00 at night lol then stayed up til 3:00 talkin on msn to cole in russian!!!!!! LMAO so yea then we went to chrucht he next morning. "I........ AM.......... CERCUMSIZED!!" LMAO so then we went back home and jumped on the trampolene with cole adn tried to play volley ball on it and that was fun then we played softball and brit showed us her mad skills! lol and then we were hittin the tennis ball against the garage and then my dad picked me up! but omg *bruce went and got us* some coffee icy things and brit and i got the french vanilla kind and omg it was soooooo good!! lol and im like really hyper right now!!! lol so yea i hope everyone has had a good weekened like i have had!!!! now time for the super bowl! gotta watch the commercials lol have fun everyone!!!
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