Jan 30, 2005 20:39
hey! i got my permit! and i went driving today!!! i went by manatee elementary and down those roads cuz they have lots of turns and are buildin houses and so i practiced a traffic circle, 3 point stops and my dad let me go to 40 and slam on the breaks! lol kinda scary! but fun! hahah so yea umm tomorrow tennis try outs start! im soo excited cuz that means the tennis season is almost here! i think our first game is late feb! so yea.... oooo also i start my online course tomorrow! its P.E yea yea i know im "lazy" or w\e but hey its easy and i don't wanna get all hot and sweaty at school during p.e! soo yea i went shoppin this weekend with joanie in orlando! i got a cute skirt and sandles and then a pair of pants and then shirts to go with both of them! ill prolly wear them this week! so yea ok well i g2g comment please!!! ~Alexa