Jun 20, 2006 12:58
So I says to Tam I says "I'm gonna come to Montreal for your birthday weekend." However, I fail to mention that I would be bringing a wave of destruction with me in the forms of Tessa P and Steph. Can't go anywhere without my girls. But sometimes I wonder if I'm too much for them too handle. All three of em were too tired or just flat out passed out on Friday, so I went roaming the streets with Alex, Ave and Wil. Saturday was a classic Cora's breakfast, followed by shopping, hockey, too much weed, and a club that I should not have been able to get into ever. Who needs a collared shirt when they have a "trust me, I'm a doctor" shirt instead? Sunday morning was a Beauty's breakfast, which kicked ass. Smoothie is by far the best breakfast drink. Went roaming around old Montreal for a bit, before going for the ultimate and only true bonding event: tattoos. They took all day, and I didn't even get to stay long enough to see Tam's or Ave's. Right now mine is acting up. I don't think I'm moisturizing it enough, and it's starting to scab. :( But it looks great. I'll have to get a pic and post it on LJ after work.