Aug 26, 2014 00:41
And I said this, and posted comments to about half before I realized I liked everyone. So if some one friended me I said this about me:
I'm late but after reading through the intros there is no one here I wouldn't like to know more about.
I'm Christine, 42, live um awkwardly with my Mother, and my boyfriend of nearly 10 years, dividing my time between their homes. Boyfriend and I hit a rough patch last year, and I moved out, we have been working on things and they are slowly getting better. We co-parent our adorable dog Mabel and his adult daughter.
I've recently left the property management business and am working on getting my Real Estate license in Kansas, where I live.
I've performed at Renaissance Festivals for over 18 years in various roles, most often as a Shakespeare Spoofing Swordfighting Shrew.
I love to read everything from Austen and Dickens to Rowling and Butcher. Not a horror fan but hey, different strokes. I also love Star Treck, Star- stuff fantasy, loves are Star Gate, and Firefly.
I am also about tolerance and acceptance, not afraid to hear and learn about other lifestyles, would welcome trying out any new friendships. Learned about this from if you like her, I'll like you just for that.
Had some new friend hits already, I'll go back a page of yours, if you go back a page of mine I think we'll have an idea and there we go. I comment more than post, but I need to blog now for my new career, would love input!
Welcome to my crazy, the back story could be good reads!