Hello Children!

Jan 28, 2004 23:58

Why is it when you insert someones name into a sentence, and you're talking to that person it makes it so much more sincere.

"You know, your goiter is starting to look like New Jersey"

"You know Tom, your goiter is starting to look like New Jersey"

Goiter. haha.

A noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at the front of the neck, that is often associated with iodine deficiency.


A leader or speaker who stirs up the passions of the masses; a demagogue.

Lynch Mob.

A mob that kills a person for some presumed offense without legal authority.


1. To expel intestinal gas through the anus; (HAHA!)break wind.
2. To fool around; fritter time away.


A person regarded as stupid or inept.

Flock of Seagulls.


Nate started work with me today. I made a million more mistakes than him, he didn't make any. What a deli-genius! I'm so excited for this weekend. Monster Truck Rally on SATURDAY! Can I get a booyah! Or a Suuu-weee. Kathryn is coming down and we're going to eat the whole weekend and talk about Jesus and hang out and make tents. We're going to Chipotle. The tastiest of tastys. Its so wonderful to have friends that are girls and to have no romantic feelings careening out of control. No romantic feelings at all for that matter. I definitely don't have time for anyone right now. Nor do I have the maturity in Christ that I need to have to be able to maintain two love lifes, one with Christ and one with MY LADY. But God is soverign and in control, I love Jesus! Please read Ephesians 4 - 6, yes the entire chapters. If you don't own a bible go here www.biblegateway.com I love those verses. Sorry about the drastic change in the entry, from Fart to Faith. That in essence is Tomas Willson Gustavson.
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