So, after a few days of trying not to worry, of taking stupid things too hard, and of pretending he just didn't care anymore, Billy now found himself back in Barney's apartment
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That reaction was like warning klaxons going off in his head. It made him tense. So something was up? Something had to be up. Something was--
No. He was trying to be done with worrying when it may not be necessary. Or something. It was hard to tell what he should or should not be doing given the mixed signals he kept getting. "Sure. A drink sounds good." Might even calm his nerves. Which needed to stop being on such a hair trigger, he decided.
"I got water. Believe it or not. And a lot of milk, Ted didn't want it anymore..long story." Barney went to grab the water bottle with his right hand then stopped midway and used his left. He awkwardly tossed the bottle to Billy.
"...O...kay." No scotch? No scotch. It wasn't scotch. Billy had trouble trying to wrap his mind around the fact that it was water.
"So..." Awkwardawkwardawkwardawkward. "Guess your hands are doing better. Healing. Pretty well. Y'know. Which is good, because if they weren't by now, I'd force you to a hospital."
This...was not going to go well, he could tell already. "Uh, yeah, got an actual paying job, not that I'm giving up the whole, y'know, persona, but like I was really gonna turn down an important big job offer from freaking Tony Stark, so. Y'know. It's...going."
"Gotta make money somehow. Doesn't mean you are a sell out." Barney took a fast swig of his water and shifted around on his feet. He wanted a cigarette..what was that about?
"I didn't say I was." He rolled his bottle between his hands and briefly glanced at the ominous box. "So, um." He didn't want to push. Pushing wasn't good, right? "Come here, let me see your hands."
"What? Why?" Barney looked at Billy skeptically for a moment then laughed awkwardly again. "Ha..I mean, right, sure. Ok." Barney went over to Billy and gave up his left hand, keeping the right one in his pocket.
"Oh..right. I think I wanted to show you something. I forget now." He leaned casually against the counter. "While you are here. Would you like some milk?"
"...So, you're just jerking my chain because you know I'll come running. Is that what this is? Because if you don't actually want me here, you can say so, and I'll go. I wouldn't want to, because you're being worrying and creepy, or worryingly creepy, but I'd go."
"Oh, are you here already?"
"Uh..something I needed for the house. You want something to drink?" He asked walking over to the refrigerator.
No. He was trying to be done with worrying when it may not be necessary. Or something. It was hard to tell what he should or should not be doing given the mixed signals he kept getting. "Sure. A drink sounds good." Might even calm his nerves. Which needed to stop being on such a hair trigger, he decided.
"So..." Awkwardawkwardawkwardawkward. "Guess your hands are doing better. Healing. Pretty well. Y'know. Which is good, because if they weren't by now, I'd force you to a hospital."
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